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Murali Krishna Gumma Resilient Dryland Systems ICRISAT, Mali August 20 th, 2015 Ground survey data: Mali (Aug 1-10 th, 2015) Identifying the opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Murali Krishna Gumma Resilient Dryland Systems ICRISAT, Mali August 20 th, 2015 Ground survey data: Mali (Aug 1-10 th, 2015) Identifying the opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Murali Krishna Gumma Resilient Dryland Systems ICRISAT, Mali August 20 th, 2015 Ground survey data: Mali (Aug 1-10 th, 2015) Identifying the opportunities for intensifying croplands

2 Objectives 1.Extraction of base parameters 2.LULC mapping and quantify changes temporally: 3.Impact of adoption of NRM technologies:

3 Ground data collection 180 locations 2500 km

4 Ground data collection


6 Rainfed-SC-millet-LS Rainfed-SC-cassava-LS Rainfed-SC-cotton-LS Rainfed-SC-rice-LS Rainfed-SC-maize-LS Rainfed-SC-sorghum-LS Interviews Land preparation Livestock

7 Ground data collection

8 Mapping crop land areas (2014)



11 River network: Mpessoba

12 Mapping of Crop Land During 2014

13 Next steps 1.Mapping agriculture areas at 30 m 2.Land use / land cover changes 3.Hydrological characterisation 4.Reports and publications

14 Thank you

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