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Goal: to explain the article as simply as possible.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal: to explain the article as simply as possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal: to explain the article as simply as possible

2  The Summary  In this paragraph, you should be able to explain the main idea to your classmates  It should be clear and concise in 5-8 sentences  Spelling and conventions should be accurate

3  Answer who, what, when, where, why  Add more if you think it is necessary

4  Reaction/Reflection  This is your personal feelings about the article.  State your opinion about what you have read and summarized.  Why do you feel a certain way?

5  You may NOT write about a sports article unless something major happens. You should always ask me first.  No editorials or opinion articles  No blurbs, fillers, or notices  Cut out and attach the full article. If it’s from the internet, print it and attach it.

6  If you don’t understand the article, don’t do it! Find something that interests you!  Do not use (the articles are already summarized)  If you need help finding an article, ask me before the day it is due.  You will always have at least a week to complete the assignment.

7  You article must acceptable to present in class.  No excessive violence  Ask me or your parents if you can’t decide if the article is appropriate

8  I highly recommend that you locate and read the article with your mom or dad – or another adult

9  You need your heading  Article Title  Publication (website or newspaper title)  Date the article was published

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