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August 23, 2011.  Introductions/Recognitions ◦ Local Officers ◦ Executive committee ◦ Building reps ◦ ISTA: Janet Abrams, Uni-Serve Director ◦ ISTA:

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Presentation on theme: "August 23, 2011.  Introductions/Recognitions ◦ Local Officers ◦ Executive committee ◦ Building reps ◦ ISTA: Janet Abrams, Uni-Serve Director ◦ ISTA:"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 23, 2011

2  Introductions/Recognitions ◦ Local Officers ◦ Executive committee ◦ Building reps ◦ ISTA: Janet Abrams, Uni-Serve Director ◦ ISTA: Teresa Meredith

3  Introductions  Bargaining Report – Joy  Legislation Update: HB 575, Collective Bargaining – Janet  Facing the Challenges - Joy  Navigating the new Licensure profiles – Teresa Meredith

4  Between April 18, 2011 and June 20, 2011 NAFCEA made several proposals the purpose of which was to both save positions/programs and garner a contract extension.  Each time we proposed insurance concessions and an increment concession that represented approx.$1.7 million in exchange for teacher positions and contract language extensions (April -2016, May -2015, June -2013)  Even though the final offer in mid-June met the IDOE interpretation of the contract extension limits, we were told that it was not worth while to sit down and talk unless we agreed to a flat dollar contribution insurance benefit (rather than a percentage concession).

5  Some teachers have heard rumors that we do not currently have a contract…  This is NOT TRUE… ◦ We continue to function under the language of the current Master Contract through June 20, 2012!

6  Could not have been survived without the constant vigilance and hard work of ISTA and NEA…  Locals in Indiana could not supply the man- power, time, or expertise to keep up with the onslaught of legislative changes that were introduced during the 2011 legislature…ISTA was there!  United voices of teachers in Indiana DID have an affect - through constant and timely phone calls, emails, and town hall meetings

7  SB 575 – Collective Bargaining (Aug.)  SB 1 Teacher Evaluation and Performance (Sept./Oct.)  HB1206 Health Insurance (Nov.)  HB 1003 Vouchers(Dec.)  HB 1002 Charter Schools(Jan.)

8  Today we will focus on SB 575  Collective Bargaining

9  Items which MUST STILL be bargained at the expiration of our current contract ◦ Salary and salary/wage related fringe benefits ◦ Wage-related fringe benefits include accident, sickness, health, dental, vision, life, disability, retirement benefits, and all other paid leaves/absences. ◦ A grievance procedure may be bargained. Grievance procedures are permitted to remain in agreements.

10 Discussion:  All items that were previously mandatory subjects of discussion remain, except working conditions. Working conditions were removed as a mandatory subject of discussion; however, there is NO statutory prohibition disallowing the association and administration to agree to discuss working conditions.  Added mandatory subjects of discussion include evaluation, safety of employees,students,and hours.  Discussion with the administration continues to be the exclusive right of the local association.

11 Committees:  All statutory and locally created committees in the school corporation except bargaining, may not exceed the percent of Association members in the school corporation.  By September 15 each year, the local association president must certify the number of teachers in each school and the entire school corporation who are association members.

12  Thanks to the efforts of our association organization…  Indiana still has collective bargaining rights…Wisconsin, Ohio, Tennessee, Michigan, and Idaho do not!

13  How do we fight for the well-being of students, teachers, and the teaching profession?  What can we do?  What can you do?

14  There is strength in having a united voice.  There is strength in having the experts from ISTA and NEA working to modify legislation, interpret legislation and file law suits on our behalf. (i.e. Contract form injunction)

15  Attend 10 minute stand-up meetings in your building once a month ◦ Building reps will bring you info each month – this fall focusing on the remainder of the legislative changes from Spring 2011 ◦ President’s Chats  Read emails and information distributed by your association  ASK questions to learn

16  Take our united message to the community …face-to-face: monthly talking points ◦ On the ball field ◦ At the dance studio ◦ In our churches ◦ Everywhere Take our positive message to the community… ◦ Show them we care…  Receipt total project  Volunteer to meet with marketing professor

17 We must be resolute to support one another!

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