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ANGEL - Cooperation Model of the Accessible Environment for the Integration of the Disabled into the Labour Market.

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Presentation on theme: "ANGEL - Cooperation Model of the Accessible Environment for the Integration of the Disabled into the Labour Market."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANGEL - Cooperation Model of the Accessible Environment for the Integration of the Disabled into the Labour Market

2 Managing partner “Dokeda” Jsc. Jsc “Dokeda” was established in 1999 and was working in the field of selling computer equipment. But since 2001 Jsc “Dokeda” has been working in the field of internet providing.

3 Other partners 1.The University of Šiauliai The University of Šiauliai is the classical university. The faculty of special education is one of our partners. The faculty trains specialists in special education and speech therapy, special education and physical training, and social education. 2.The Centre of Rehabilitation Of The Kaunas Medicine University Kaunas Medicine University is the largest institution of medical education and training in Lithuania. The centre of rehabilitation consists of physical medicine and rehabilitation centres and disabled rehabilitation research laboratory.

4 Other partners The Center of Distance Training Of The Kaunas Technological University Mission of the Centre is to promote and develop higher and further education system supported by information communication technologies. 4.The Kaunas School Of Builders Kaunas school of builders is the institution of education, which provides professional and general education for persons with mental disabilities. 5. “Noriu darbo” Jsc. Jsc “Noriu darbo” works in the field of human resources management: personnel search and selection, recruitment, job search, personnel training.

5 Other partners 6.Confederation of Business Employers Of Kaunas Area Confederation of Business Employers of Kaunas Area is an independent non-profit organization that operates in the area of Kaunas. The main objective of confederation is to rally business people in order to express, represent and secure their legal interests. 7.“Mijalba” Jsc. Jsc “Mijalba” works in the field of publishing. Also organizes the workshops and conferences, meetings with authors.

6 Other partners 8.The Union Of The Disabled People Of Kaunas Area The Union works in the fields of education, rehabilitation, finding job, cultural activity and relaxation organization for disabled people. 9.Administration Of Kaunas Area Administration Of Kaunas Area is the authority for 7 Lithuanian municipalities. 10.The Labour Exchange The Labour Exchange provides assistance for job seekers in finding job, provides employers with necessary skilled labour force, involves registered job seekers into population employment programs and pays unemployment benefits.

7 The problem The problem is integration and remaining of the disabled in the labour market. All the institutions help disabled separately one from the other and feel responsibility for their socialization and integration only in their own narrow segment of the activity. But efforts of the separate institutions can not assure real help for the disabled, because only through the creation of the model of an open cooperation, where efforts, knowledge and competences of separate partners are mobilized, could social support for disabled be given.

8 The target group The project target group is the disabled. People with slight physical disabilities, inborn or gained, will be involved in the project activities.

9 The goal The goal of the DP is to prepare, to adapt and to realise an open cooperation model of the partnership to create the conditions for integration and the support for the disabled in the labour market through the system of social support

10 The tasks  To cooperate all DP members to create and to realise DP conception, focusing on inclusion of the disabled into the active participation from the very first phase of the DP formation;  To prepare a complex and effective support system for the disabled, which would ensure consequent integration and support in remaining in the labour market through mediator‘s institution, including motivation, vocational training, information and consultation services, improvement of qualifications, job search and psycho-social adaptation in a real working place;

11 The tasks  To prepare professional mediator specialists and to constantly implement the analysis of mediator‘s practical activities, in order to create conditions for effective and productive social support for the disabled in employment and adaptation processes;  To prepare, to test and to adapt innovative motivational means for the disabled and for vocational training centres, encouraging social and Professional integration of the disabled and re-integration into the labour market;  To develop the model for evaluation of professional competencies and skills, this would serve as the basis for the development of soft skills and motivational methodology and application for individual needs of the disabled;

12 The tasks  To prepare the material for the staff of education institutions how to train social staff, so that they were able to develop activities in their every day life orientated to motivation of the disabled and development of their soft skills;  To prepare and implement a program for motivation and information of the employers and colleagues about skills of the disabled, vocational training and personal features;

13 The tasks  To implement research of cooperative activity of DP in order to ensure effectiveness of the model to be developed, added value of the mediator‘s institution and the development of DP member competencies;

14 The tasks  To develop and support open and virtual system of observation and collaboration of the PD, in order to ensure PD functions and partner cooperation efficiency, science and development, as well as practical synergy and dissemination of the experience;  To coordinate PD activities with education and rehabilitation organisations, and with institutions participating in the formation and implementation of employment policy, to prepare recommendations concerning mediator role in formalising social and vocational integration of the disabled, and improvement of rehabilitation system to the Ministry of Social security and labour, to the Ministry of Education and Science, and other institutions.

15 The activities (2 round) establishment of the cooperative activity model and mediator activity research; preparation of training/ information material (for the disabled, mediators, education institution staff, employers and colleagues); piloting and testing of the model, including the disabled and realising their rehabilitation and employment process; improvement of PD model and preparation of recommendations for the institutions responsible for the formation and implementation of the employment and rehabilitation policy for the disabled.

16 The expected results There will be set up the mediator’s institution of professional mediator specialists that will initiate the direct and returnable communication in the social network, searching for the job places for the disabled, helping them during the employment and further professional adaptation processes. Also they will motivate the disabled, informing their potential employers and colleagues about professional and social skills of the disabled and about privileges, given by the government.

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