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Created by Kathryn Reilly The Passive Voice. The passive voice occurs when writers place the object, instead of the subject, at the sentence’s beginning.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Kathryn Reilly The Passive Voice. The passive voice occurs when writers place the object, instead of the subject, at the sentence’s beginning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Kathryn Reilly The Passive Voice

2 The passive voice occurs when writers place the object, instead of the subject, at the sentence’s beginning. – The jewel was hidden by the servant. – In this sentence, the subject (the servant) comes at the end of the sentence instead of the beginning. This places the sentence’s emphasis on the jewel, and increases reader curiosity.

3 Why Use the Passive Voice? Passive voice should be used to: – alert the reader to the subject’s absence – emphasize the object’s importance – streamline scientific writing

4 Using the Passive Voice The passive voice may be used effectively if the sentence lacks a subject. – The jewel was hidden. If it is unknown who hid the jewel, then the passive voice should be used. And/or if the writer wishes to create suspense by withholding this information, then the passive voice is appropriate.

5 Using the Passive Voice The passive voice may be used effectively to emphasize the object’s importance to the sentence. – The jewel was found two centuries later. If the focus is on the jewel and not who found it, then it would be more appropriate to use the passive voice.

6 Using the Passive Voice The passive voice may be used in scientific writing to describe a process or result. – The bacteria was added to the Petri dish. In scientific writing, the passive voice allows the writer to focus on the steps or processes involved in the research.

7 The passive voice requires two elements: – The object at the sentence’s beginning – A linking verb paired with a regular verb Common linking verbs: is, are, was, were The firefighter saved the puppy. – Ask what was saved to identify the object. (The puppy) The puppy was saved by the firefighter. – Now, the sentence focuses on the puppy instead of the firefighter. Creating the Passive Voice

8 Writing in Passive Voice To write in passive voice, identify the object and pair a linking verb with a regular verb: Active voice: A servant saved the kingdom. Ask: What was saved? A kingdom. Passive voice: A kingdom was saved by a servant.

9 Use the passive voice when – The subject is unknown – The object is the focus – Writing a scientific process To write in the passive voice, place the object at the sentence’s beginning. Passive Voice Review

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