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Border Collies are very fast runner’s, and are very strong! And I would know because I have my own. My puppy’s name is Shepherd and he is only 5 months.

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Presentation on theme: "Border Collies are very fast runner’s, and are very strong! And I would know because I have my own. My puppy’s name is Shepherd and he is only 5 months."— Presentation transcript:


2 Border Collies are very fast runner’s, and are very strong! And I would know because I have my own. My puppy’s name is Shepherd and he is only 5 months old and stronger, faster and more energetic than I am. They love to run and play fetch. But if you don’t give them enough love they will get pretty mad and dig holes in your carpet and constantly bark.

3  Collies love to play! Especially tug of war and fetch. If you start to play fetch with a collie you will be amazed, They are such fast runners! They love to play tug- of-war because, if their a baby and their teeth are coming in it will definitely help the pain stop in their mouth.

4 Border Collies (And Collies) Actually have feelings that you can tell of! If you yell at them they will get mad at you and won’t stop barking or will dig holes out in your yard. If their sad they will come up and sit on you. But most of the time they are pretty energetic and love to play!

5  Border collies and collies are kind of different from each other. Collies are usually just Black and white. While Border Collies are either black and White, or the rare type is Black, White and Brown. My puppy Shep is a pure bread border Collie and is all 3 colors!

6  Thank you for watching my slide show on Border collies!

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