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Priority Agricultural Areas Locally designated areas targeted for continued, expanded, and/or intensified agricultural activities Designated Farmland Preservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Priority Agricultural Areas Locally designated areas targeted for continued, expanded, and/or intensified agricultural activities Designated Farmland Preservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Priority Agricultural Areas Locally designated areas targeted for continued, expanded, and/or intensified agricultural activities Designated Farmland Preservation Areas, Agricultural Districts, Agricultural Security Areas, prime farmland soils, CAUV enrollment, existing farm size, etc. Traditional (corn, beans) and specialty (flowers, viticulture) farming

2 Ohio EPA’s Lake Erie Phosphorus Task Force Looking at increase in dissolved portion of total P in stream monitoring data since ’96 Working on set of recommendations for ways to reduce P inputs to Lake Erie These will likely include suggestions for soil testing, timing of applications and incorporation practices in agricultural settings

3 Lake Erie Protection & Restoration Plan 2008 Objectives in LEPR 08 that include actions related to agriculture: – Reverse increasing nutrient loading to Lake Erie, especially Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus – Reduce agricultural sediment loading from the Lake Erie watershed by 33% from 2007 baseline – Apply pesticides & fertilizers more efficiently. – Reduce nonpoint source pollution originating from animal feed lots.

4 Lake Erie Protection & Restoration Plan 2008 Objectives in LEPR 08 that include actions related to agriculture: – Protect, restore, and enhance headwater streams – Preserve & protect valuable farmland for future agricultural uses – Investigate methods of farming and raising row crops that will diminish the carbon footprint in the Lake Erie basin, particularly in the heavily-farmed Maumee River basin

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