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Life Individual survival –Take in, digest nutrients –Eliminate wastes –Recognize self from non-self –Recognize enemies –Repair damage Reproduction –Survival.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Individual survival –Take in, digest nutrients –Eliminate wastes –Recognize self from non-self –Recognize enemies –Repair damage Reproduction –Survival."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Individual survival –Take in, digest nutrients –Eliminate wastes –Recognize self from non-self –Recognize enemies –Repair damage Reproduction –Survival of species –Gene transfer

2 Bacteria Archaea Protozoa Algae Plants Fungi Animals Invertebrates Vertebrates US UCA Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Single-celled ?

3 Cell Functions Maintenance –Recovery of energy from nutrients –Storage of energy –Synthesis of correct proteins and other cell components Perpetuation of self –DNA replication –Cell division Specialized functions –e.g. muscle, blood, nerve cells, immune system

4 The molecules of life Nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Lipoproteins, glycoproteins, vitamins….

5 DNA RNAProtein DNA + DNA Translation Protein synthesis DNA Replication Cell division The Proteome Proteomics Genomics The Genome Transcription Transcriptome

6 Chains of amino acids Structural elements – –cell walls, membranes Transport Catalysts - enzymes Communication - within cells, between cells Cytokines Signal transduction factors Receptors Vital for regulation of growth, cell division PROTEINS

7 Schematic metabolic cycle Cellular components Nucleic acids, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat Metabolic intermediates NADPHNADP+ Work Transport Assembly Movement Heat ATP ADP + Pi Food Carbohydrates, Fats, Glucose, Proteins Wastes CO 2, H 2 O, lactic acid ATP ADP + Pi NAD+ NADH The Metabolome - Metabolomics

8 Viruses 0.02-0.3 micrometers diameter Genetic material: ss or ds DNA, RNA Protein coat Some enzymes Lipid envelope – enveloped/non enveloped viruses Shape: rods, spheres, icosahedra, irregular Nomenclature semi-systematic –Hepatitis A Virus, HAV Need host cell for replication

9 The plasma membrane Lipid bilayer Polar Non-polar (Lipid) Protein Av. Width 7.5 nm (75 Å) Sugar Glycolipid Glycoprotein

10 Envelope: lipid bilayer membrane + glycoproteins, typically acquired from host cell membranes Capsid (protein coat): multiple copies of 1 or more proteins

11 The Flu Virion Neuraminidase Hemagglutinin Lipid bilayer envelope Matrix protein

12 Life-cycle of virus Particle, virion Infects host cell Genetic material uses host’s replication apparatus to produce new viral components (capsid, core proteins, genetic material) Components assemble into viral particles, exit host cell, sometimes lysing host cell

13 Each type of virus has its own specific host Viruses that colonize bacteria are bacteriophage viruses (bacteriophages).


15 Unicellular organisms Bacteria - procaryotes Protozoa Algae - eucaryotes Fungi

16 Procaryotic Cell (left) and Eucaryotic Cell (right)

17 Procaryotes: Bacteria and Others Unicellular organisms Simple internal organization Multiply by binary fission Diameter ~0.5-1.0 micrometer Envelope: cytoplasmic membrane, cell wall & capsule (polysaccharide) Some form biofilm (secrete polymeric matrix) Some have appendages: flagella: for locomotion pili: attachment to other cells for genetic transfer; virus receptor site Standard Linnean nomenclature: Genus species

18 Diverse bacteria Gram positive Gram negative

19 More bacterial types Aerobes Anaerobes Facultative aerobes Rods (bacilli) Spherical (cocci) Comma-shaped (vibrios) Spiral (spirochetes)

20 Bacteria in the Environment Some bacteria form spores: –highly resistant to physical and chemical agents and –very persistent in the environment

21 Unicellular Eucaryotes: More complex internal organization: –organelles: discrete nucleus, mitochondria Wide range of sizes: 2 micrometers and larger

22 Protozoa Unicellular; non-photosynthetic; flexible cell membrane; no cell wall; some are parasites, have complex life-cycles Wide range of sizes and shapes; 2 micrometers to 2 mm Disease-causing: –Amoebae: Entamoeba histolytica –Flagellates: Giardia lamblia –Ciliates: Balantidum coli –Sporozoans: Plasmodium vivax –Coccidians: Cryptosporidium parvum –Microsporidia: Cyclosopora cayetanensis


24 Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts: ~5  m diameter Acid fast stain of fecal preparation Wet mount by differential interference contrast microscopy

25 Giardia lamblia cyst: ~10 x 8 micrometers

26 More Protozoans: Fungi Fungi (yeasts and molds): non-photosynthetic immotile; rigid cell wall Molds: grow as branched, interlacing chains or filaments (hyphae) called mycelia Yeasts: do not form mycelia grow as single cells that bud sexual reproduction possible Mitospores (conidia) of Penicillium, one of the asexual Ascomycota Yeasts

27 Algae Photosynthetic Rigid cell wall Simple plants, protists, protozoa, plancton, derived from cyanobacteria ? Wide range of sizes and shapes –2 micrometers and larger Some algae are harmful –Algal booms Toxins –Anabaena, anatoxins Nostoc

28 Helminths (Worms) Multicellular animals Some are human and/or animal parasites Eggs pass via human and animal excreta to water, food, soil. Several major groups: –Roundworms, Nematodes eg. Ascaris, Trichinella spiralis, hookworms –Flatworms Platyhelminthes: Cestodes (tapeworms): pork, beef tapeworms, and Trematodes (flukes) eg Schistosomes –Annelids (leeches) Necator (hookworm) eggs adult

29 Eggs hatch in soil Infective stage: larvae Penetrate skin, migrate to blood, lungs, trachea or are ingested Adults mature in intestine Attach to intestinal walls –anemia –Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale (hookworm)

30 Trematodes Schistosomes (blood flukes) Liver fluke

31 Cestodes Head (scolex) attaches to tissue –beef tapeworm, Taenia saginata –pork tapeworm (T. solium) Grows in intestine

32 Multicellular organisms Plants Animals –Invertebrates –Vertebrates


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