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Manifest Destiny The U.S. - Mexican War America Expands Westward.

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1 Manifest Destiny The U.S. - Mexican War America Expands Westward


3 Manifest Destiny (1845) “Manifest” means obvious “Destiny” means a future that has already been determined by a divine source Many Americans came to believe that it was America’s fate to extend the borders of the nation to the shores of the Pacific. There was also a belief that Americans were a “chosen people” with a divine mission to spread democracy, Christianity, and Western Culture. By spreading west to the Pacific, America would strengthen it’s security and provide new economic opportunity. The phrase “Manifest Destiny” was created by a writer named John O’Sullivan who was tired of debates about whether or not to annex Texas. He said… “other nations had the goal of limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence.” O’Sullivan was saying America was being stopped from doing what it was obviously destined to do… take over the Continent.



6 Democratic candidate James Polk upset Henry Clay to win the 1844 election and become our 11 th President. During his campaign, Polk promised to expand the borders of the U.S. and complete its Manifest Destiny by acquiring Texas, California, New Mexico and the Oregon Territory. Polk video clip… President James K. Polk

7 James K James K Polk campaigned on the slogan 54* 40 or Fight over the boundary dispute in Oregon

8 During the Texas Revolution, the Texan army defeated Mexico at San Jacinto to win its independence in April 1836. The LONE STAR REPUBLIC was born. President Sam Houston would ask the U.S. Congress to annex Texas soon… Northerners feared adding another southern slave state. Many Americans did not want to risk a war with Mexico by adding Texas. Texas was finally annexed (adopted) by the U.S. in 1845 Texas Annexation (1845)

9 The Rio Grande/Nueces river border dispute will lead to a war between the U.S. and Mexico

10 U.S. – Mexican War (1846) The fighting starts because of a border dispute… The U.S. viewed it's southern boundary with Mexico as the Rio Grande... Mexico said "no bueno...Texas still belongs to Mexico and the southern border is the Nueces River.“ U.S. troops and Mexican troops first fought in the area of South Texas between the Nueces River and Rio Grande. 11 U.S. soldiers were killed and this prompted president Polk to ask Congress to declare war on Mexico. War was officially declared on May 13, 1846.

11 The U.S. army invades and captures New Mexico and California.

12 Gen. Winfield Scott invaded Mexico City and forced the Mexicans to surrender. Check out what I did…

13 Mexico was defeated and forced to give up half of it’s national territory. In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the U.S. agreed to pay Mexico $15 million for this area. The areas in this treaty became known as the Mexican Cession Mexican Cession included: California Nevada Utah Arizona (parts) New Mexico (parts) Colorado (parts) Wyoming (parts)

14 Oregon Territory (1846) In 1818, the U.S. and Great Britain agreed to joint control over the Oregon Territory, which reached as far north as latitude 54* 40’. In 1840, large numbers of pioneers and settlers began moving west along the Oregon Trail in covered wagons, facing harsh conditions…, most settled in Oregon, some moved to Southwest California. The trail was treacherous – over deserts, rivers, and mountains… More than 20,000 people died along the route

15 Rather than fight Great Britain for Oregon, Polk settled for half of Oregon. In 1846, Great Britain and the U.S. agreed to divide Oregon at the 49 th parallel North latitude.

16 The Mormons in Utah (1847) The Mormons were founded in upstate New York in 1830 by Joseph Smith at the time of the Second great Awakening. They moved to Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois, but were driven out of these states because of their unique religious beliefs, which included marrying several wives. In 1847, Brigham Young led them westward by wagon to the Great Salt Lake in Utah. It was a barren, desolate region that could only be cultivated by creating irrigation. The Mormons settled here by the time Brigham Young died in 1877, there were over 125,000 Mormons living in Utah.

17 The Gadsden Purchase was acquired by the U.S. from Mexico in 1853 for $10 million. This area included a strip of land in present day Arizona and New Mexico. The U.S. wanted land to build a trans-continental railroad because it would greatly expand trade opportunity. This area was seen as the most practical for a southern railroad route. Franklin Pierce (14 th president) was in office when the land treaty was completed.

18 The California Gold Rush (1848 – 1850) In 1848, just as peace with Mexico was being signed, gold was discovered in California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Word of the discovery quickly spread and thousands of “forty-niners” arrived in California The Gold Rush caused California’s population to quickly increase. Although the gold rush only lasted a few years, California became a new destination for settlers moving westward.

19 Westward Expansion Poses a New Challenge America’s expansion westward created a new political issue… should these newly acquired territories permit or prohibit slavery? Northerners opposed the expansion of slavery, while southerners accepted the institution of slavery, further dividing the nation…

20 Sources: “Mastering the Grade 8 Social Studies TEKS” -Jarrett, Zimmer, Killoran “iCivics: Manifest Destiny”

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