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Mickey Slimp, Executive Director, Northeast Texas Consortium of Colleges & Universities Rich Gross, Executive Vice President, the Clements Group Ronda.

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Presentation on theme: "Mickey Slimp, Executive Director, Northeast Texas Consortium of Colleges & Universities Rich Gross, Executive Vice President, the Clements Group Ronda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mickey Slimp, Executive Director, Northeast Texas Consortium of Colleges & Universities Rich Gross, Executive Vice President, the Clements Group Ronda Edwards, Executive Director, Michigan Community College Virtual Learning Collaborative

2  A formalized procedure by which decisions are made and integrated into an organization  A systematic and ongoing activity that an organization uses to anticipate and respond to major issues facing it  An outside – in approach that answers the question “what do we do?”  Covers a 3 to 5 year period

3 Just what are you looking for? Outcomes?

4  Focuses the mission and vision of an organization on student success and other real needs  Anticipates and responds to external needs and issues  Creates inclusion of the program’s participants (students, staff, and community) in the planning process  Positions for best use of resources  Positions for best use of people

5  Your Position & Role  Executive Decision Maker  Support Area Decision Maker  Decision Supporter

6  Planning Focus  Project/Goal Based  Departmental/Internal  Institutional  Mission Based/External

7  Review of Prior Planning Activities and Reports

8  Environmental Scanning  National Trends  State/Regional Trends  Institutional Trends  Environmental Pressure  Needs Assessment  Surveys/Interviews  Focus Groups

9  Goal Setting  Planning Teams  External Planners  Administration

10  Operational Plan  Benchmarks & Timelines  Meetings & Follow up


12  Within the department  Across the campus  Executive Leadership  Faculty  Students  Support Areas

13  Beyond the campus  Community Advisory Groups  K-12 Representative  State Distance Learning Leadership  External Distance Learning Planners/Consultants  Professional Associations


15  Let’s discuss them

16  Distance Learning is not included in the formal institutional mission.  My position is a decision supporter – has no authority  Other members of planning team have different understanding of distance learning  Organizational resistance to change  Limited technology and funding

17 It Depends!  Complexity (Department vs. Institution)  Groups Involved  Opportunities & Challenges  Ability to Bring Closure

18 Mickey Slimp, Executive Director, Northeast Texas Consortium of Colleges & Universities 903-571-0892 Rich Gross, Executive Vice President, the Clements Group 605-891-8715 Ronda Edwards, Executive Director, Michigan Community College Virtual Learning Collaborative 517-372-4350

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