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Imaging studies of S + fragments from the UV photolysis of state selected H 2 S + cations A.D. Webb, R.N. Dixon and M.N.R. Ashfold School of Chemistry,

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Presentation on theme: "Imaging studies of S + fragments from the UV photolysis of state selected H 2 S + cations A.D. Webb, R.N. Dixon and M.N.R. Ashfold School of Chemistry,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Imaging studies of S + fragments from the UV photolysis of state selected H 2 S + cations A.D. Webb, R.N. Dixon and M.N.R. Ashfold School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K., BS8 1TS

2 Preamble Ion imaging methods used widely to study photodissociation dynamics of neutral molecules. ‘Typical’ experiment (1) employs photolysis (pump) + REMPI (probe) lasers. Choice of λ phot allows state-selected detection of fragment of interest. Fragmentation dynamics of molecular cations can be studied with same apparatus, by reversing the roles of the two lasers (scheme (2)). AB AB* A+B A A* A+A+ AB* AB + AB A + +B Scheme (1) Scheme (2)

3 Application to H 2 S: 2+1 REMPI via 1 A 2 (b 1 1 4pb 2 1 ), v=0 level Simulated spectrum, [a] T rot = 20 K (1) 1 10  1 01 (ortho-) (2) 2 11  0 00 (para-) (3) 4 23  2 12 (ortho-, high J’) REMPI-PES [b] shows strong propensity for  v=0 ionisation. Ionisation likely to involve loss of s- or d-wave electron. Resulting H 2 S + should have same ortho-/para- symmetry as intermediate Rydberg level. [a] Ashfold et al, JCSFT 86 2027 (1990) [b] Steadman et al JCP 89 5498 (1988)

4 Imaging the photodissociation of molecular cations H 2 S + cations formed by 2+1 REMPI of jet-cooled H 2 S via predissociated Rydberg levels – allows J”, J’ (and some J + ) state selection. Photodissociate H 2 S + with laser 2, 425  phot  300 nm Two fragmentation channels:  S + + H 2  SH + + H Image S + (or SH + ) fragments. S + images show structure: H 2 partner formed in different v,J states.

5 H 2 S + photolysis at λ phot = 325.13 nm H 2 (v=0), J 9 7 5 3 1 H 2 (v=1) 2+1 REMPI via line 3 (i.e. via 4 23 (ortho-) level). Image S + fragments. By energy conservation, these must be in 4 S ground state. Image shows rings  preferential (exclusive?) formation of ortho-H 2 co-fragments

6 H 2 S + photolysis at λ phot = 312.62 nm REMPI via: line 1 (ortho)  H 2 (odd J) line 2 (para)  H 2 (even J)

7 H 2 S + photolysis at longer λ phot H 2 S + preparation: 2+1 REMPI via 1 A 1 (4pb 1 ) – X 1 A 1 Q branch at 302.66 nm (i.e. not ortho-/para- state selected). Narrow spread of S + velocities:  H 2 co-fragments are formed in J  2. IF ortho-/para- nuclear spin symmetry conserved as at shorter λ phot, H 2 S + photolysis offers a route to preparing H 2 molecules with an unusually high degree of (v, J, o-/p-) state selection. 405 nm 398 nm 387 nm

8 Dissociation mechanism(s) Interpretation guided by potential energy surface (PES) calculations for ground and excited states of H 2 S + by Hirst; (JCP 118, 9175 (2003)). X 2 B 1 X 2 B 1 + h ν  A 2 A 1 4 A 2 S + ( 4 S) + H 2 B 2 B 2 Long λ phot ; Renner-Teller coupling to X 2 B 1 state, then spin-orbit coupling to 4 A 2 state. C 2v conserving. Latter seam of intersection  ‘late’ barrier  S + ( 4 S) + H 2 (rotationally cold). Shorter λ phot ; Vibronic coupling to B 2 B 2 state (enabled by b 2 asymmetric stretch), then spin-orbit coupling to 4 A 2 state and dissociation to S( 4 S) + H 2 products carrying more rotational excitation. See JCP 127, 224307, 224308 (2007).

9 Conclusions 1. n+1 REMPI via appropriate Rydberg levels allows imaging studies of the photofragmentation of state-selected molecular cations. 2. In case of H 2 S +, identify two distinct pathways to S + ( 4 S) + H 2 products, characterised by different levels of H 2 product rotation. 3. Ortho-/para- exchange symmetry conserved, surviving REMPI, photo- excitation, two radiationless transitions and eventual fragmentation. 4. Possible astrophysical implications? T ~20 K H 2 : OPR ~0 H 2 S + : OPR ~1.6 H 2 formed by photodissociation of larger hydrides would have ‘non-equilibrium’ OPR. 0 50 100 150 T / K 3 1 2 0 OPR H2H2 H2S+H2S+

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