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NationstatesCultureTowns+Trad e VocabularyCrusades 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500.

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3 NationstatesCultureTowns+Trad e VocabularyCrusades 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500

4 This is the feeling of loyalty to the country as a whole. What is patriotism

5 This was the War that began in 1337 between England and France. What was the 100 Years War

6 These are the two weapons that weakened feudalism. What was the cannon and the long bow, plus pike, cross bow and later gun.

7 This was the war fought between the house of Lancaster and the house of York. What was the War of the Roses

8 This was the poor peasant girl who led the French to victory at the city of Orleans. Who was Joan of Arc

9 This is the type of Cathedral with high spires and large windows to allow light to enter. What was a Gothic Cathedral

10 This is the author of Canterbury Tales. Who was Geoffrey Chaucer

11 These were the four famous Universities of Medieval Europe. What were Oxford, Paris, Bologna And Salerno

12 This is the author of Summa Theologica a book showing how church doctrine was arrived at by using reason. Who was Thomas Aquinas?

13 This the book written by Dante. What was The Divine Comedy?

14 These are two of the freedoms that were given to towns people in Medieval Europe. Townspeople were often given charters to elect leaders, involved in trade and manufacturing, serfs who escaped to town were given freedom, own courts, no service to the manor.

15 This was the stage a tradesman went through after he served as an apprentice. What was a journeyman?

16 This was an organization of skilled workers. What was a guild?

17 These are two of the Italian city-states that won trading rights with the Islamic world and Asia. What were Venice, Pisa and Genoa

18 This was the alliance of German trading cities. What was the Hanseatic League?

19 He was the pope who called for a Crusade at Clermont. Who was Pope Urban II?

20 These are two of the areas or cities that were conquered by the armies of the first Crusade. What were Edessa, Jerusalem, Antioch and Tripoli?

21 These were the three kings who went on the Third Crusade. Who were Richard I, the Lion Hearted, Frederick I, Barbarossa, and Phillip II, Augustus of France?

22 This was the last Christian stronghold in the Holy Land that was conquered by the Muslims. What was Acre in 1291?

23 This was one of the results of the Crusades that benefited the military. What were the crossbow, use of carrier pigeons, siege tactics, catapults, and gunpowder?

24 This was the church’s name for lending money at a high interest rate in Medieval Europe. What was usury?

25 The type of economy that concerns the ownership by individuals of land, labor, and capital. What was a market economy?

26 The phrase that means everyday language or everyday speech. What is vernacular?

27 These were Medieval traveling singers. Who were the troubadors?

28 This was the word that meant the combination of faith in God and reason or science. What was scholasticism?

29 EnglandFranceChurchVocabularySpain 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000

30 These were the two families that fought in the War of the Roses. Who were the Lancasters ( Red Rose) and the Yorks ( White Rose ) Lancastrians win after wiping out most of the English nobility, Henry VII first Tudor unites the families ?

31 This was the English king who founded the Tudor dynasty. Who was Henry VII?

32 This is the famous battle where a small army of English bowmen defeated a large French army of knights. What was the Battle of Agincourt, also happens at the Battle of Crecy?

33 This the branch of English government that gained power due to the Hundred Year War. What was Parliament, unique in the world at this time?

34 This was the one French holding still left in English hands after the 100 Years’ War. What was Calais, finally taken back in 1558?

35 This was the French dynasty that reigned during the Hundred Years’ War. Who were the Capetians?

36 This is what happened to Joan of Arc after she was captured by the English. What was burnt at the stake for heresy in 1431?

37 This was the French version of the English Parliament. What was the Estates General?

38 He was the French King who further strengthened the monarchy and was nicknamed the Spider King. Who was Louis XI ( 1461-83)?

39 This was the archenemy of Louis XI. Who was the Duke of Burgundy, Charles the Bold?

40 This was the Pope who controlled much of Europe during his reign. Who was Pope Innocent III?

41 This was the French King who captured the papacy in 1309. Who was Phillip the Fair or Phillip IV?

42 This is the name given to the period of time when the Pope was located in France at the city of Avignon. What was the nearly 70 years of Babylonian Captivity?

43 This is the name given to the time when there were two Popes, one in France and one in Rome. What was the Great Schism, also can refer to the split between Western and Eastern Christian Churches ?

44 This was the Bohemian teacher and scholar condemned to death at the Council of Constance. Who was John Huss?

45 These were the two leaders who unified the Nation of Spain. Who was Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile-Leon?

46 These are the two Spanish territories that were joined. What were Aragon and Castile-Leon?

47 This is the group of people that were ordered to leave Spain in 1492. Who were the Moors or Muslims of Spain?

48 These are the other two strong nation states in 1100. What were France and England?

49 This is another name for the Spanish Peninsula. What is the Iberian Peninsula?

50 These were the religious dramas acted out in the Medieval Age. What were Miracle Plays?

51 This was the type of economy people used before they used money. What was a barter economy?

52 Wealth earned, saved, and invested in order to produce profits. What is capital?

53 This is the type of Medieval manufacturing that took place at the home of the worker. What was domestic manufacturing?

54 A group of merchants who were the only merchants allowed or given sole right to trade in a town. What was a merchant guild?

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