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Image Created at Original Personal or Family Story: A.1.3 The Memory Box.

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Presentation on theme: "Image Created at Original Personal or Family Story: A.1.3 The Memory Box."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Created at Original Personal or Family Story: A.1.3 The Memory Box

2 Assignment Sheet: Example: Sample Student Wiki: Original Personal or Family Story: A.1.3 The Memory Box

3 Rubric: Memory Box Story map using a Web 2.0 tool such as Padlet, Popplet, or Cacoo. It is linked to my Memory Box wiki page. Story map includes characters, setting, problem, plot, and solution

4 Rubric: Memory Box Introduction shares other artifacts in the memory box.

5 Rubric: Memory Box Place the artifacts in an attractive box and share each one briefly. The introduction is no more than two minutes in length

6 Rubric: Memory Box Story includes a clear: Beginning Middle Story has an emotional climax or turning point and a satisfying ending. Ending Your story is no more than five minutes in length.

7 Planning for ApprenNet These are the video file types for ApprenNet:.m4v,.mov,.mp4,.mjpeg,.mpg, and.webm Please note that if you are using iMovie, the system does not accept movies saved as a "mobile" file.

8 Rubric: Memory Box Partner sharing and feedback documented How feedback incorporated documented The story video is freely accessible on the Web without a password (as long as a viewer has the link to it).

9 Rubric: Reflection Paragraph 1: Describe the experience of preparing for and telling this story. Paragraph 2: What was the most important piece of feedback you received and why? Paragraph 3: Describe how your story communicates your values, beliefs, and/or culture.

10 How It Works us/categories/200204089-Learners us/categories/200204089-Learners us/categories/200204089-Learners Images Provided by and Judi Moreillon O.D.1.4 – Memory Box Peer Review

11 1: Challenge – Example 1  Students watch a challenge video. Students watch a challenge video.

12 1: Challenge – example 2

13 Response to the Challenge Students upload a video response.

14 Response to the Challenge Why not? Why isn’t this required for universal accessibility?  No written transcripts will be allowed for this assignment.

15 Peer Review  2: Students view other classmates’ responses. 2: Students view other classmates’ responses.  Three are required. Three are required.

16 Peer Review  Students provide feedback through a rubric (developed by the instructor) and offer narrative feedback as well.

17 Peer Review

18 Narrative Feedback – For a Story You Liked  Respectful, specific, and useful  Example:  I thoroughly enjoyed your memory box story. You described the setting and characters so well; I had a being there experience. The dialogue you included helped me “hear” the characters. Did you experiment with voices? Developing a voice for each character might take your story to the next level. Bottom line: Your story was fun; I watched it twice!

19 Narrative Feedback – For a Story You Didn’t Care For as Much  Respectful, specific, and useful  Example:  Thank you for sharing your memory box story. My favorite character was your dog Charlie. He had lots of personality. Since he provided the humor in the story, I think you could have exaggerated his character even more. Take artistic license! Were you nervous telling your story before a camera? That was difficult for me, too. Keep on practicing and polishing.

20 Expert Response  3: Students watch an expert’s response. 3: Students watch an expert’s response.

21 Expert Response – Example 2

22 Expert Response  Students communicate with each other and the expert.

23 Analysis  4: Students review feedback from peers and view exemplar videos. 4: Students review feedback from peers and view exemplar videos.

24 Reports  Instructors have access to reports.

25 Benefits to Students  Increased interactivity  Must consider multiple responses in order to provide feedback  All voices heard and responded to through random assignment for peer review  Exposure to an expert response (may or may not be the instructor)  Feedback from peers as well as the instructor and/or expert

26 What questions remain? Image Created at

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