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Ms. Schneider.  The concept of play may be hard to put into words, but it easy to recognize in action.  When they are playing, children feel free to.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Schneider.  The concept of play may be hard to put into words, but it easy to recognize in action.  When they are playing, children feel free to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Schneider

2  The concept of play may be hard to put into words, but it easy to recognize in action.  When they are playing, children feel free to explore what ever they find interesting.  The concept of play may be hard to put into words, but it easy to recognize in action.  When they are playing, children feel free to explore what ever they find interesting.

3 As children grow up their interests and play styles change. A 5 year old plays very differently than a 3 year old. According to experts, all children go through the same developmental stages of play. LETS TAKE A LOOK AT EACH STAGE!!!!!!

4  Infants enjoy repetitive play: doing the same action over and over.  Through this repetition infants learn that their actions have results.  Examples:  Pushing a ball makes it move  Shaking a rattle makes noise Thus, they begin to grasp the concept of cause and effect

5  18 months (toddler)  Using materials to achieve a specific goal.  Examples:  Building a block tower and then knocking it down  Hooking plastic links together to make a chain

6  Child ages 3-5 engage in this type of play  Common objects become symbols for whatever they imagine.  Examples:  A stick can symbolizes a magic wand  A sheet represents a super hero’s cape

7  Around the age of 5 children become interested in formal games with rules.  This is the final stage of children’s play development and is refined through adolescence.  Examples:  Board games  Team sports

8 Repetitive Play Constructive Play Symbolic play Game Play

9  Then put an X in the column of what type of play that toy would fall into. Be sure to have at least 3 in each category.

10  PEEK-A-BOO Object Permanence  OdF0 OdF0

11  What is going on here?????? What is going on here??????  mvZB88 mvZB88

12 Play is the means by which children develop  physically,  intellectually,  emotionally,  socially,  and morally.

13 Maudy was born in a hut in a small village close to Kalulushi, in Zambia. She grew up playing in the street with the other children in the village, who all attend the same school, where students aged 3 to 10 years old are in the same class. The village has no shops, restaurants or hotels, and just a few children are lucky enough to have toys. Maudy and her friends found a box full of sunglasses on the street, which quickly became their favorite toys.

14 What might you say to someone who makes this statement? Children don’t need to play, It’s a waste of time? What are the 4 stages of play development? What is the value of play?

15  go44 go44

16 Chiwa lives in a small hut with her mother, father and sister. They don’t have electricity and running water. Chiwa used to help her mother carry water home from the river. In the village there are other 50 children (more or less) and they always play all together outside. Chiwa has just 3 toys that some volunteers gave to her when she was born. Her favorite is the dinosaur because she says that he can protect her from the dangerous animals.

17  nNys nNys

18 Naya has few small cooking tools but she never gets bored of playing with them. She uses mud and grass from the garden to pretend to cook some cakes for her older sister. She says that in the future she will manage a restaurant and she’s sure that tourists will love it!

19  Using the new knowledge you have gained and your past experiences, create a sketch of new toy or game children can play with.  On the back of your memory box, draw a sketch of the toy that you have created.  Remember: PLAY = WORK so you must defend your toy/game in writing!

20  Be sure to include…  Evidence of the value of play  Stage of play development that your toy/game will be set in  Type of development  Physical  Intellectual  Emotional  Social  Moral

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