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Big Rocks Tina Cheng and Daniel Rauch Borrowed from Stephen Covey.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Rocks Tina Cheng and Daniel Rauch Borrowed from Stephen Covey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Rocks Tina Cheng and Daniel Rauch Borrowed from Stephen Covey

2 Empty glass jar: the amount of time available in a typical work week.

3 Large rocks: Now the large rocks represent those activities that matter most in our lives and that have the most profound consequences, either good or bad, that result from their completion or non-completion.

4 Pebbles: The pebbles are the little tasks that might add up to be something significant, but if we miss one or two, no big deal.

5 Sand: The sand represents all the non-essential things that tend to fill up our days and our lives. Sand in this demonstration represents wasteful, non-value-producing activities that fill up our jar and prevent us from fitting in the large rocks that are meaningful for our lives.

6 Water: If we were to add the water to this demonstration, then that could represent the amount of time we spend sleeping.

7 Let’s go to the video tape…

8 Tastier substitution Rocks:Ice cream scoops Pebbles:M&Ms Pebbles/Sand:Sprinkles Water:Sauce

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