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Welcome to... a game of X’s and O’s Click “enter”!

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2 Welcome to... a game of X’s and O’s Click “enter”!

3 Today’s topic... Click “enter”!

4 Click “Enter”! Starring…

5 Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins Click on the frame of the teacher of your choice…

6 True or False: Most Muslims believe that women should not be educated. When you are ready, click “enter” for the answer.

7 False! The Prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam (the Muslim religion) proclaimed, “The pursuit of knowledge is incumbent on every Muslim”. Home Click “home” to return to the main board and put the appropriate mark in this square. Afsaruddin, A. (2005). Muslim Views on Education: Parameters, Purview, and Possibilities. Retrieved November 16, 2010 from

8 When you are ready, click “enter” for the answer. How long has there been fighting in Afghanistan?

9 Home Click “home” to return to the main board and put the appropriate mark in this square. Almost all of its 5,000 year history! Afghanistan has been predominantly Muslim since an invasion in 637 A.D. and was governed by various monarchies until 1973 when the Soviets invaded. With that, the Taliban came into power and ruled until the UN invasion in 2001. Conflict continues to this day. Peter R. Blood, ed. (2001). Afghanistan: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress. Peter R. Blood, ed. (2001). Afghanistan: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress. Peter R. Blood, ed. (2001). Afghanistan: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress.

10 When you are ready, click “enter” for the answer. Are the majority of Muslims in Afghanistan Sunni or Shi’l? (pronounced “soon-ee” and “she-ite”)

11 Home Click “home” to return to the main board and put the appropriate mark in this square. Sunni! The two sects don’t get along very well, either, as the Sunni feel that they are the true successors of the Prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam (the Muslim religion). History News Network. (2010). What Is the Difference Between Sunni and Shiite Muslims--and Why Does It Matter? Retrieved November 10, 2010 from

12 When you are ready, click “enter” for the answer. Most military experts agree that this is the single biggest obstacle to overthrowing the Taliban in Afghanistan.

13 Home Click “home” to return to the main board and put the appropriate mark in this square. The Afghani citizens! Many are willing to tolerate the suppressive rule of the Taliban (including excluding girls from education) in an effort to have some sense of “normalcy”. InfoPlease Database. (2010). Who are the Taliban? Retrieved November 6, 2010 from

14 When you are ready, click “enter” for the answer. What fraction of the aid given for education is actually given to the Afghani government?

15 Home Click “home” to return to the main board and put the appropriate mark in this square. 1/3! Due to the instability and corruption within the government, most non-government organizations administrate the distribution of funds themselves. Sigsgaard, M. (2009). Education and fragility in Afghanistan: a situational analysis. International Institute for Educational Planning: Paris.

16 When you are ready, click “enter” for the answer. As of December 2010, what percentage of Afghani children are enrolled in school?

17 Home Click “home” to return to the main board and put the appropriate mark in this square. 52%! That’s approximately 6 million students in 11,000 school buildings. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Education. (2010). Executive summary. Retrieved December 2, 2010 from

18 When you are ready, click “enter” for the answer. UNESCO launched the most unique educational program to date in Afghanistan. What was its format?

19 Home Click “home” to return to the main board and put the appropriate mark in this square. A soap opera! The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization uses a radio “soap opera” format for educating adults on such topics as tolerance, history and agriculture. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (2010). Afghanistan. Education: innovative strategies in learning through technology for returning refugees. Retrieved December 1, 2010 from

20 When you are ready, click “enter” for the answer. Before the rise of the Taliban in the late 1970’s, what percentage of teachers were women?

21 Home Click “home” to return to the main board and put the appropriate mark in this square. 70%! Women were banned from being educators or being educated by the Taliban. With their loss of power as a result of the UN invasion in 2001, women teachers now number 28%. Stanford University. (2010). Introduction: current status of girls’ education. Retrieved November 23, 2010 from

22 When you are ready, click “enter” for the answer. As of December 2010, who has spent the most money on education in Afghanistan?

23 Home Click “home” to return to the main board and put the appropriate mark in this square. The US Military! They have spent $20 million to date. The World Bank’s Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, with donations from 31 nations has spent $2 billion on a combination of education, agriculture and urban development. Stanford University. (2010). Introduction: current status of girls’ education. Retrieved November 23, 2010 from The World Bank. (2010). Afghanistan – education. Retrieved December 3, 2010 from,,contentMDK:21 682753~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:305985,00.html.



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