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Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques. Ştefan-Iulian Handra Dept. of Computer Science Polytechnic University of Timișoara June 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques. Ştefan-Iulian Handra Dept. of Computer Science Polytechnic University of Timișoara June 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques. Ştefan-Iulian Handra Dept. of Computer Science Polytechnic University of Timișoara June 2010

2 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Network intrusion detection data mining 3. Accuracy, efficiency and usability 4. Filtering and refinement 5. Conclusions Ştefan-Iulian Handra 1/91/9 Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques

3 Anomaly detection:  detecting patterns in a given data set that do not conform to an established normal behavior Intrusion detection :  act of detecting actions that attempt to compromise the confidentiality, integrity or availability of a resource  anomaly detection (IDES) + misuse detection (IDIOT, STAT) 1. Introduction Ştefan-Iulian Handra 2/9 Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques

4 2. Network intrusion detection data mining Ştefan-Iulian Handra 3/9 Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques Classic approach: Classic approach:  key signature from past attack is introduced manually  no defense against future attacks that have a new signature  rapidly increasing data sets impose processing limit  update of intrusion detection models to costly and slow

5 Ştefan-Iulian Handra 4/94/9 Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques 2. Network intrusion detection data mining The answer: intrusion detection based on data-mining Examples: Examples: - Nearest Neighbor (NN), - Density Based Local Outliers (LOF), - Density Based Local Outliers (LOF), - unsupervised Support Vector Machines (SVM). Weak points: Weak points: - higher false positive rates than classic techniques - training and evaluation time is high - analyzes normal instances

6 3. Accuracy, efficiency and usability Improvement key points: Improvement key points:  Accuracy – use data mining to analyze audit data, generate artificial anomalies (DBA2)  Efficiency – better algorithms that produces models with low cost and high accuracy, level prioritization of computed features  Usability – adaptive learning, incremental updates of models Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques Ştefan-Iulian Handra 5/95/9

7 6/96/9 4. Filtering and refinement Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques Proposed by Xiao Yu, Lu An Tang, Jiawei Han A two phase hybrid method for processing data A two phase hybrid method for processing data  A. Filtering stage  B. Refinement stage

8 Ştefan-Iulian Handra 7/97/9 4. Filtering and refinement Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques A. Filtering stage. A. Filtering stage.  Excludes normal instances from the data set  Generates optimal dimension based on tests: - on dimension level - on attribute level  Partitions with high number of instances are clusters with normal instances  Partitions with small number of instances are probably anomalies

9 Ştefan-Iulian Handra 8/98/9 4. Filtering and refinement Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques B. Refinement stage. B. Refinement stage.  Can use traditional refinement methods (KNN)  Categorizes instances into four categories - Unique instances (Tg>>, Tl>>) - Abnormal clusters (Tg>>, Tl >, Tl<<) - Edge points (Tg >) - Normal instances(Tg<<, Tl<<) Tl : isolation degree of an instance Tg: isolation distance to normal instance clusters

10 Ştefan-Iulian Handra 9/99/9 - network intrusion detection techniques will evolve with the help of the data mining approaches - accuracy, efficiency and usability are the keys to have a detection system that satisfies real time constraints - the detection systems must move their focus from the normal instances processing to the anomalies - the filtering stage is crucial to have a simple processing task for the detection algorithm 5. Conclusions Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques

11 Ştefan-Iulian Handra - Xiao Yu, Lu An Tang, Jiawei Han. “Filtering and refinement: A Two- Stage Approach for Efficient and Effective Anomaly Detection.” In Ninth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2009 - P. Dokas, L. Ertoz, V. Kumar, A. Lazarevic, J. Srivastava, and P-N Tan, “Data Mining for Network Intrusion Detection.” Proc. NSF Workshop on Next Generation Data Mining, Baltimore, MD (2002) - S. Kumar and E. H. Spafford “A software architecture to support misuse intrusion detection.” In Proceedings of the 18th National Information Security Conference, pages 194–204, 1995. References Anomaly Detection. Network Intrusion Detection Techniques

12 Ştefan-Iulian Handra Thank you for your attention! June 2010

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