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Network Layer4-1 Chapter 4: Network Layer r 4. 1 Introduction r 4.2 Virtual circuit and datagram networks r 4.3 What’s inside a router r 4.4 IP: Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Layer4-1 Chapter 4: Network Layer r 4. 1 Introduction r 4.2 Virtual circuit and datagram networks r 4.3 What’s inside a router r 4.4 IP: Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Layer4-1 Chapter 4: Network Layer r 4. 1 Introduction r 4.2 Virtual circuit and datagram networks r 4.3 What’s inside a router r 4.4 IP: Internet Protocol m Datagram format m IPv4 addressing m ICMP m IPv6 r 4.5 Routing algorithms m Link state m Distance Vector m Hierarchical routing r 4.6 Routing in the Internet m RIP m OSPF m BGP r 4.7 Broadcast and multicast routing

2 Network Layer4-2 Hierarchical Routing scale: with 200 million destinations: r can’t store all dest’s in routing tables! r routing table exchange would swamp links! administrative autonomy r internet = network of networks r each network admin may want to control routing in its own network Our routing study thus far - idealization r all routers identical r network “flat” … not true in practice

3 Network Layer4-3 Hierarchical Routing r aggregate routers into regions, “autonomous systems” (AS) r routers in same AS run same routing protocol m “intra-AS” routing protocol m routers in different AS can run different intra- AS routing protocol r special routers in AS r run intra-AS routing protocol with all other routers in AS r also responsible for routing to destinations outside AS m run inter-AS routing protocol with other gateway routers gateway routers

4 Network Layer4-4 Intra-AS and Inter-AS routing Gateways: perform inter-AS routing amongst themselves perform intra-AS routers with other routers in their AS inter-AS, intra-AS routing in gateway A.c network layer link layer physical layer a b b a a C A B d A.a A.c C.b B.a c b c

5 Network Layer4-5 Intra-AS and Inter-AS routing Host h2 a b b a a C A B d c A.a A.c C.b B.a c b Host h1 Intra-AS routing within AS A Inter-AS routing between A and B Intra-AS routing within AS B r We’ll examine specific inter-AS and intra-AS Internet routing protocols shortly

6 Network Layer4-6 Chapter 4: Network Layer r 4. 1 Introduction r 4.2 Virtual circuit and datagram networks r 4.3 What’s inside a router r 4.4 IP: Internet Protocol m Datagram format m IPv4 addressing m ICMP m IPv6 r 4.5 Routing algorithms m Link state m Distance Vector m Hierarchical routing r 4.6 Routing in the Internet m RIP m OSPF m BGP r 4.7 Broadcast and multicast routing

7 Network Layer4-7 Routing in the Internet r The Global Internet consists of Autonomous Systems (AS) interconnected with each other: m Stub AS: small corporation: one connection to other AS’s m Multihomed AS: large corporation (no transit): multiple connections to other AS’s m Transit AS: provider, hooking many AS’s together m AS Lookup: r Two-level routing: m Intra-AS: administrator responsible for choice of routing algorithm within network m Inter-AS: unique standard for inter-AS routing: BGP

8 Network Layer4-8 Intra-AS Routing r Also known as Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP) r Most common Intra-AS routing protocols: m RIP: Routing Information Protocol m OSPF: Open Shortest Path First m IGRP: Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (Cisco proprietary)

9 Network Layer4-9 Chapter 4: Network Layer r 4. 1 Introduction r 4.2 Virtual circuit and datagram networks r 4.3 What’s inside a router r 4.4 IP: Internet Protocol m Datagram format m IPv4 addressing m ICMP m IPv6 r 4.5 Routing algorithms m Link state m Distance Vector m Hierarchical routing r 4.6 Routing in the Internet m RIP m OSPF m BGP r 4.7 Broadcast and multicast routing

10 Network Layer4-10 RIP ( Routing Information Protocol) r Distance vector algorithm r Included in BSD-UNIX Distribution in 1982 r Distance metric: # of hops (max = 15 hops) m Can you guess why? r Distance vectors: exchanged among neighbors every 30 sec via Response Message (also called advertisement) r Each advertisement: list of up to 25 destination nets within AS

11 Network Layer4-11 RIP: Example Destination Network Next Router Num. of hops to dest. wA2 yB2 zB7 x--1 ….…..... w xy z A C D B Routing table in D

12 Network Layer4-12 RIP: Example Destination Network Next Router Num. of hops to dest. wA2 yB2 zB A7 5 x--1 ….…..... Routing table in D w xy z A C D B Dest Next hops w - - x - - z C 4 …. …... Advertisement from A to D

13 Network Layer4-13 RIP: Link Failure and Recovery If no advertisement heard after 180 sec --> neighbor/link declared dead m routes via neighbor invalidated m new advertisements sent to neighbors m neighbors in turn send out new advertisements (if tables changed) m link failure info quickly propagates to entire net m poison reverse used to prevent ping-pong loops (infinite distance = 16 hops) m RIP is based on UDP packets

14 Network Layer4-14 Chapter 4: Network Layer r 4. 1 Introduction r 4.2 Virtual circuit and datagram networks r 4.3 What’s inside a router r 4.4 IP: Internet Protocol m Datagram format m IPv4 addressing m ICMP m IPv6 r 4.5 Routing algorithms m Link state m Distance Vector m Hierarchical routing r 4.6 Routing in the Internet m RIP m OSPF m BGP r 4.7 Broadcast and multicast routing

15 Network Layer4-15 OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) r Successor to RIP r Uses Link State algorithm m LS packet dissemination m Route computation using Dijkstra’s algorithm r Advertisements disseminated to entire AS (via flooding) m Carried in OSPF messages directly over IP (no TCP or UDP) ICMP is directly on IP, too

16 Network Layer4-16 OSPF “advanced” features (not in RIP) r Security: all OSPF messages authenticated (to prevent malicious intrusion) r Multiple same-cost paths allowed (only one path in RIP) r Hierarchical OSPF in large domains.

17 Network Layer4-17 Hierarchical OSPF

18 Network Layer4-18 Hierarchical OSPF r Two-level hierarchy: local area, backbone. m Link-state advertisements only in area m each nodes has detailed area topology; only know direction (shortest path) to nets in other areas. r Area border routers: “summarize” distances to nets in own area, advertise to other Area Border routers. r Backbone routers: run OSPF routing limited to backbone. r Boundary routers: connect to other AS’s.

19 Network Layer4-19 Chapter 4: Network Layer r 4. 1 Introduction r 4.2 Virtual circuit and datagram networks r 4.3 What’s inside a router r 4.4 IP: Internet Protocol m Datagram format m IPv4 addressing m ICMP m IPv6 r 4.5 Routing algorithms m Link state m Distance Vector m Hierarchical routing r 4.6 Routing in the Internet m RIP m OSPF m BGP r 4.7 Broadcast and multicast routing

20 Network Layer4-20 Inter-AS routing in the Internet: BGP

21 Network Layer4-21 Internet inter-AS routing: BGP r BGP (Border Gateway Protocol): the de facto standard for inter-AS routing m BGP: glues the whole Internet together m Uses TCP (service port: 179) r Path Vector protocol: m similar to Distance Vector protocol m each Border Gateway broadcast to neighbors (peers) entire path (i.e., sequence of AS’s) to destination m BGP routes to networks (ASs), not individual hosts E.g., Gateway X may send its path to dest. Z: Path (X,Z) = X,Y1,Y2,Y3,…,Z

22 Network Layer4-22 Internet inter-AS routing: BGP Suppose: gateway X send its path to peer gateway W r W may or may not select path offered by X m cost, policy (don’t route via competitors AS), loop prevention reasons r If W selects path advertised by X, then: Path (W,Z) = w, Path (X,Z) r Note: X can control incoming traffic by controlling its route advertisements to peers: m e.g., don’t want to route traffic to Z -> don’t advertise any routes to Z

23 Network Layer4-23 BGP: controlling who routes to you r A,B,C are provider networks r X,W,Y are customer (of provider networks) r X is dual-homed: attached to two networks m X does not want to route from B via X to C m.. so X will not advertise to B a route to C

24 Network Layer4-24 BGP: controlling who routes to you r A advertises to B the path AW r B advertises to X the path BAW r Should B advertise to C the path BAW? m No way! B gets no “revenue” for routing CBAW since neither W nor C are B’s customers m B wants to force C to route to w via A m B wants to route only to/from its customers! Policy !!

25 Network Layer4-25 BGP messages r BGP messages exchanged using TCP. r BGP messages: m OPEN: opens TCP connection to peer and authenticates sender m UPDATE: advertises new path (or withdraws old) m KEEPALIVE keeps connection alive in absence of UPDATES; also ACKs OPEN request m NOTIFICATION: reports errors in previous msg; also used to close connection

26 Network Layer4-26 Why different Intra- and Inter-AS routing ? Policy: r Inter-AS: admin wants control over how its traffic routed, who routes through its net (policy). r Intra-AS: single admin, so no policy decisions needed Scale: r hierarchical routing saves table size, reduced update traffic Performance: r Intra-AS: can focus on performance r Inter-AS: policy may dominate over performance

27 Network Layer4-27 Network Layer: summary Next stop: the Data link layer! What we’ve covered: r network layer services r routing principles: link state and distance vector r Hierarchical routing r IP r Internet routing protocols RIP, OSPF, BGP r what’s inside a router? r IPv6

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