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Myers Briggs. Myers Briggs Personality Sorter win/JTypes1.htm win/JTypes1.htm Mother/daughter.

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Presentation on theme: "Myers Briggs. Myers Briggs Personality Sorter win/JTypes1.htm win/JTypes1.htm Mother/daughter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Myers Briggs

2 Myers Briggs Personality Sorter win/JTypes1.htm win/JTypes1.htm Mother/daughter developed the MBTI from the theories of Carl Jung They began creating the indicator during World War II, believing that a knowledge of personality preferences would help women who were entering the industrial workforce for the first time World War II World War II

3 In Teams Understand your own type Understand the other types in your team Learn to get the most out of your relationship and each other

4 T People Makes decisions based on logic Makes decisions based on analysis and principles Trusts Logic Finds flaws, criticises Places premium on fairness F People Make decisions based on what they like or don’t like, their values, or the impact of their decision on others Trusts personal reactions Good at understanding people

5 J People Decisive planned and organised Likes being decisive Works best when following a plan Likes to schedule and plan Likes definite order and structure P People Lifestyle is flexible Enjoys surprises Energised by deadlines Likes going with the flow Able to tolerate ambiguity

6 E People Energised by being with others ExternalSociable Thinks best when talking with people Does best work externally in action I People Attention focused inwards Energised by being alone Reflects Interests have depth

7 S People Takes information using the 5 senses Lives in the present, enjoys what is there Likes concrete Learns sequentially N People Looks at patterns and relationships Deals with possibilities Trusts theory more than experience Learns by seeing connections, jumps in anywhere

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