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IETF69 ANCP WG1 ANCP Multicast Handling draft-maglione-ancp-mcast-00.txt R. Maglione, A. Garofalo - Telecom Italia F. Le Faucheur, T. Eckert - cisco Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "IETF69 ANCP WG1 ANCP Multicast Handling draft-maglione-ancp-mcast-00.txt R. Maglione, A. Garofalo - Telecom Italia F. Le Faucheur, T. Eckert - cisco Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 IETF69 ANCP WG1 ANCP Multicast Handling draft-maglione-ancp-mcast-00.txt R. Maglione, A. Garofalo - Telecom Italia F. Le Faucheur, T. Eckert - cisco Systems

2 IETF69 ANCP WG2 Objectives  Describing ANCP Multicast use cases, protocol requirements and Message Flows  Enabling the combination of NAS and AN to functionally behave as one single black box, when replication is performed by the AN, without any loss of functionality compared to if replication was performed on NAS  Enabling the necessary information to be provided by NAS to the AN to perform multicast admission decision locally when possible and allowing the AN to query the NAS when further decisions are needed

3 IETF69 ANCP WG3 Use Cases 1.Multicast Conditional Access 2.Multicast Admission Control 3.Multicast Accounting 4.Multicast Termination

4 IETF69 ANCP WG4 Multicast Conditional Access Objective: providing Network level access control for Multicast traffic: before honoring a user request to join a new flow, conditional access validation is performed to validate that this user is allowed to access this flow Two possible alternatives also described in Multiaaa Framework (draft- ietf-mboned-multiaaa-framework-04):  Policy push model: AAA repository pushes policies down into NAS, and then NAS pushes these policies into AN  Policy pull model: Network Service Provider AN sends an authorization query to the Content Provider mAAA server Three Scenarios: 1.Decision taken by AN 2.Decision taken by NAS (or by AAA Server) 3.Coarse-Grain Decision taken by NAS & Fine-Grain Decision taken by AN

5 IETF69 ANCP WG5 Multicast Conditional Access  1) Decision taken by AN AN can be provisioned with the necessary conditional access information (white/black lists) so the AN can then perform the conditional access decisions autonomously NAS uses ANCP to provision the necessary information in the AN so that the AN can then perform conditional access enforcement locally (Policy push model )  White Lists: identity the Multicast Flows for which the AN can autonomously start replicating multicast traffic without requesting further authorization to the NAS  Black Lists: identify the Multicast Flows for which the AN autonomously knows that is not authorized to start replicating multicast traffic  For all Multicast Flows that do not belong to white or black lists AN needs to query NAS for further decision

6 IETF69 ANCP WG6  2) Decision taken by NAS or by AAA Server Applicability: conditional access control tied to complex policy/authorization mechanism, time of day access, or location based access or to invoke a remote authorization server for very sensitive contents Applications like: video conferencing, over the top video, Prepaid Service, Nomadic users Scenarios where Network Service Provider and Content Service Provider are two separate entities AN uses ANCP to query the NAS, that responds to the AN indicating whether the join is to be honored or denied (Policy- pull model) Multicast Conditional Access

7 IETF69 ANCP WG7  3) Coarse-Grain Decision taken by NAS & Fine-Grain Decision taken by AN Multicast Flow-Group: A set of same bandwidth multicast flows sharing the same conditional access policy The decision for multicast Flow change within a Flow-Group is handled by the AN, and NAS only take a conditional access decision for the whole Multicast Flow-Group AN uses ANCP to query the NAS on receipt of the join; when responding to the AN, the NAS indicates that the decision applies to the whole Multicast Flow-Group Multicast Conditional Access

8 IETF69 ANCP WG8 Multicast Admission Control Objective: providing Access level Admission control for Multicast traffic: before honoring a user request to join a new Flow admission control is performed to validate that there is enough bandwidth remaining on the access line to carry that flow Three Scenarios:  1) Admission Control handled by AN AN can be provisioned with the necessary Admission Control information (white/black lists) so the AN can then perform the admission control decisions autonomously  2) Admission Control handled by NAS Applicability: multicast admission control decision needs to be synchronized with unicast admission control that may be performed by the NAS or by a remote Policy Server AN uses ANCP to query the NAS that responds to the AN indicating whether the join is to be honored or denied

9 IETF69 ANCP WG9 Multicast Admission Control  3) Coarse-Grain Admission Control handled by NAS & Fine-Grain Admission Control handled by AN With the notion of Flow-Groups the AN locally performs all the decisions for multicast flow change within a Flow-Group while the NAS only takes an admission control decision for the whole Multicast Flow-Group

10 IETF69 ANCP WG10 Multicast Accounting Objective: providing per-subscriber or per access-line time and/or volume Accounting records  When AN performs replication AN needs to provide NAS accurate information related to user starts/stops receiving a Multicast Flow, received volume, replication start and stop timestamps in order to allow NAS generating Accounting Records

11 IETF69 ANCP WG11 Multicast Termination Objective: providing the capability to dynamically stop Multicast replication based on external trigger Applicability:  stopping multicast replication when available prepaid credit expires  showing a "Content Preview": multicast content will be delivered just for a fixed amount of time NAS MUST be able to revoke the authorization previously granted to the AN to replicate the multicast flow AN MUST stop replicating a multicast flow

12 IETF69 ANCP WG12 Message Flow (1/7) Provisioning AN with White/Black-Lists and Conditional Access with AN Decision

13 IETF69 ANCP WG13 Message Flow (2/7) Provisioning AN with Multicast Flow-Groups

14 IETF69 ANCP WG14 Message Flow (3/7) Multicast Flow with NAS decision, without accounting, without Policy Server Synchronization

15 IETF69 ANCP WG15 Message Flow (4/7) Multicast Flow with NAS decision, with accounting, without Policy Server Synchronization

16 IETF69 ANCP WG16 Message Flow (5/7) Multicast Flow with NAS decision, without accounting, without Policy Server Synchronization, with AAA Server Multicast Authorization

17 IETF69 ANCP WG17 Message Flow (6/7) Multicast Flow Replication Stop with accounting without Policy Server Synchronization

18 IETF69 ANCP WG18 Message Flow (7/7) Multicast Flow-Group with NAS decision, without accounting, without Policy Server Synchronization

19 IETF69 ANCP WG19 Proposals Incorporate Multicast use cases and Protocol Requirements in ANCP Framework Internet Draft Incorporate Message Flow in ANCP Protocol Internet Draft

20 IETF69 ANCP WG20 Questions/Discussion Thanks!

21 IETF69 ANCP WG21 Multiaaa Framework

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