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Summative Assessment Rubrics.

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1 Summative Assessment Rubrics

2 1.Collaborative/group projects
2.Essays 3.Performance projects-aspect of performance or necessary skill assessment 4.Portfolios 5.Formal Observations 6.Presentations 7.Self-assessment 8.Simulation 9.Viva voce/ oral examinations after completion of the project PBL Traditional Instruction 1.Authentic 2.Case-studies 3.Oral questioning after observation 4.Examinations (closed book) 5.Practical projects- small but in relation to the larger topic 6.Direct observation 1.Examinations (open book) 2.Multiple-choice tests 3.Work sheets 4.Short-answer questions

3 (2) A Descriptor or Criteria
Rubric 1 (1) A Rating Scale (2) A Descriptor or Criteria

4 Practice Rubric A Title A Clearly Articulated Scale
A matrix that matches a category or criteria with each ranking. Choose descriptors carefully. SocialInteractionRubric.pdf

5 Things to Remember Make the rating/scale reasonable for the task
Don’t try to link the rating to a grade scale Keep the criteria to no more than 5 Keep the specific descriptors limited to the category.

6 Critically Analyze

7 Rubric Sample Phase 1 Ideation Rubric – Paper Boat

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