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National Conference ’08 and 24 th REGIONAL GATHERING OF 24 th REGIONAL GATHERING OF URANTIA BOOK READERS, MÉXICO May 9-11, 2008 Grupo Orvontón A.C.

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Presentation on theme: "National Conference ’08 and 24 th REGIONAL GATHERING OF 24 th REGIONAL GATHERING OF URANTIA BOOK READERS, MÉXICO May 9-11, 2008 Grupo Orvontón A.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Conference ’08 and 24 th REGIONAL GATHERING OF 24 th REGIONAL GATHERING OF URANTIA BOOK READERS, MÉXICO May 9-11, 2008 Grupo Orvontón A.C. For more information call 011521 8115002958 or 011 5281 88802105 Nextel 011528111138425 radio 72*176881*1

2 Includes: 6 meals and 2 nights stay 2 Lunches 2 Breakfasts 2 Dinners National Conference ’08 and 24 th REGIONAL GATHERING OF 24 th REGIONAL GATHERING OF URANTIA BOOK READERS, MÉXICO Will take place at the benedictine monastery in Ahuatepec: “Our Lady of the Angels” Address: Km. 4 of the highway Cuernavaca-Tepoztlán Starts: May 9th at 3 p.m. Ends: May 11 th at noon. Cost $99.00 US Dlls Deadline for presenters April 15 th. Please make deposits at Wells Fargo Account #6502905315 under the name of Agustin Arellano and send a confirmation mail to: We invite you to participate at the 8th National Conference of Urantia Book Readers in Mexico hosted by Grupo Orvonton, deadline for presenters April 15th. Come and enjoy of a special weekend in the spiritual gathering of readers of all Mexico and Central and South American friends who will join this celebration. The main theme is “Mother Spirit of the Local Universe and Service”.

3 Cost: $120 US Dlls After April 15th For those readers arriving to Mexico City’s airport, there are buses going from the airport to Cuernavaca. Once there, take a taxi to the monastery, a 10-minute ride. If arriving by bus, take the subway to Tasquena station; next to it, in line 2, is the south bus station leaving every hour to Cuernavaca. Presenters at the first gathering in this monastery in 2001

4 3 1 2 5 6 1.- Autopista México-Cuernavaca. 2.- Parque Nacional Cerro del Tepozteco. 3.- Glorieta Monumento de Emiliano Zapata. 4.-La Pera. 5.- Pueblo de Tepoztlán. 6.- Km. 4, Poblado de Ahuatepec Morelos. Monasterio Benedictino de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles. los Ángeles. 4 Driving from Mexico City in the México-Cuernavaca, turn west at glorieta de Emiliano Zapata. And take highway Cuernavaca- Tepoztlán then stop at Km. 4 this is Ahuatepec town. The monastery is here. NS EO

5 Ahuatepec Carretera Federal Cuernavaca-Tepoztlán. Cerro “El Tepozteco” For those interested, there will be a visit to the Tepozteco hill. Will have secondary works and the presentation of “Lo Basico del Libro de Urantia” by Mary Livingston, recently printed in spanish.

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