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Calibration hits in Jets A proposal for a package analyzing calibration hits inside reconstructed jets Pierre–Antoine Delsart Mohsen Kharzad & Rachid Mazini.

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Presentation on theme: "Calibration hits in Jets A proposal for a package analyzing calibration hits inside reconstructed jets Pierre–Antoine Delsart Mohsen Kharzad & Rachid Mazini."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calibration hits in Jets A proposal for a package analyzing calibration hits inside reconstructed jets Pierre–Antoine Delsart Mohsen Kharzad & Rachid Mazini

2 Package Overview ● Results from the code being written for forward jets analysis ● Quite generic thanks to back navigation ⇒ can be useful to others ● Consists of one simple analysis algorithm It uses fully simulated events with calibration hits, produces an ntuple & associates to each jet : ➢ Sum of energy of the hits inside the jets ➢ An array corresponding to some calorimeter bins holding the jet energy deposition in each bin Calo is divided in : ● geometric region (Barrel, Tile, HEC,...) ● Energy density bins (1 or 16) as in current hadronic calibration This for each 'type' of energy (G4 Total, G4 visible, etc...)

3 Package Details - Inputs It requires ESD files containing CaloCellContainers filled with Calibration hits. Simulation with calibration hits Digitization + keep calib hits Reconstruction + CalibHitToCaloCell algo ESD file Add this line in jobOption : Stream1.ItemList+=["CaloCalibrationHitContainer#*"] - Add jobOption : “” - May add 'topo jets'

4 Package Details - algo Jets reco cells G4 cells IdentifierHash G4 CaloCellContainer ● E+=Ecell ● Find and fill calo bin according to CaloSample and E density ● Other convenient calculation... In each event, for each jet : back navigation Total Energy Visible Energy NonEm Energy

5 Algorithm Output – Analysis script The algo produces an ntuple with jet related info : - Jet E, pT, eta, phi (for jets before and after calibration) - same for (eta,phi)-matched truth jet - G4 Total, visible, NonEm energy of the jet - array of calo bins in the form 'ZoneEnergy[njet][nbin]' for reco and all G4 energies - Radial energy profile of the jet The granularity of calo bins is quite fine (505 bins) : allows flexible analysis but information extraction is not immediate A ROOT script is provided : allows to easily convert the initial bin division into - Hadronic weight division - Calo Sample division - custom division...

6 Analysis examples G4 total G4 Visible G4 non EM Reco (di-jet sample, E~1Tev, eta>3) Hadronic weight binning Ratio E/Etruth in E density bins Total jet energy/ True jet energy distribution Reco/True G4 / True Ratio G4/Reco uncalibrated Calibration weights Jets in HEC-FCAL crack

7 Work in progress – open questions ● Dead Material hits information is being implemented in the algo : - by building a (eta,phi) distribution of DM energy - associating each jet to a (eta,phi) DM subregion ● Currently having problems with cal hits in 10.0.4 (wrong Ids). Being fixed... If interest for this analysis algorithm, it is ready to be released as a pakage - New package (where ?) or add it to an existing package ? - Easy to re-implement it as an Athena tool or algo if prefered - Easy to extend it to any type of calorimeter object (back navigation) A test version is available here : /afs/ Please email me for details (delsart at lps umontreal ca)

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