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Pinkney 1/4/11 Violence In Public Areas. Why Do People In Baltimore Are killing people in public Area Question.

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Presentation on theme: "Pinkney 1/4/11 Violence In Public Areas. Why Do People In Baltimore Are killing people in public Area Question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pinkney 1/4/11 Violence In Public Areas

2 Why Do People In Baltimore Are killing people in public Area Question

3 I choose violence in public areas because that people around Baltimore area are being killed in the day time night time or even when you are asleep and also raped, sexual assault, and to me this is horrible cause people in the areas are getting murdered and some people just don’t care about that and people are too afraid to tell the police what happen. So there for in the violence in the public area in the United States, violence is a serious public health problem impacting the lives and experiences of young people and communities, especially those living within low- income urban neighborhoods (Satcher,2001). Despite widespread violence prevention efforts. Also the violence happens everywhere in Baltimore like in schools Violence in schools, and also college. Cause teenagers are bringing the violence in to other people life. Like bullying people for no reason, fighting for no reason, Introduction

4 Twenty-three percent of respondents were classified as victims. Major variables predicting victimization levels were gender, number of siblings, exposure to violence outside of school, and personal violence- related attributes. Only one in 10 victimizations appeared to be random and not predicted by these variables. Violence in school is brought into, rather than generated By, the school. Victimized students have characteristics that put them at higher risk of victimization than other students. Given the large number of victimizations and the large number of respondents with risk characteristics, intervention at the individual level seems ineffective. Instead, alteration of community social structure and culture appears to be the appropriate, although difficult, avenue of change for gun- related victimization levels. There was agreement across all jurisdictions Police, ambulance, hospitals, courts Education that there had been, in the past few years, a pronounced increase, not only in the incidence of violence, but also in its severity. Melbourne metropolitan ambulance. The recent surge in violence is part of a long term Trend of rising rates of violent crime. Police officers people, who’ve been around a long time, are seeing a Level of violence they have never seen before It wasn’t just that people Punched someone, it was they were Punched and kicked and people would Come around and they would all be part. Also tha t Introduction

5 Is that people in Baltimore are getting killed in public areas. It is that people are getting and they are to afraid to tell some body the reason is that people kill people is that they don’t like them or even they want to do something to them real bad and take matters into there own hands. some people just don’t care about that and people are too afraid to tell the police what happen. So there for in the violence in the public area in the United States, violence is a serious public health problem impacting the lives and experiences of young people and communities, especially those living within low-income urban neighborhoods (Satcher,2001). Despite widespread violence prevention efforts Statement

6 I first did was I made some questions about the violence in Baltimore public areas about the violence in public area they next I made 50 copies and hand out 30 to the students and 20 to the adults. Experimental procedure












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