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Project number Research Title Your name Your supervisor(s) Industry Champion (if appropriate) University Start enrolment:month/year Expected completion:month/year.

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Presentation on theme: "Project number Research Title Your name Your supervisor(s) Industry Champion (if appropriate) University Start enrolment:month/year Expected completion:month/year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project number Research Title Your name Your supervisor(s) Industry Champion (if appropriate) University Start enrolment:month/year Expected completion:month/year Insert logos: Industry, University Date of presentation

2 2 The brief Summary of your research topic Why is this relevant to AutoCRC and the automotive industry Who are you interacting with? (eg Industry, Government, other research groups) Just in case you need dot points Insert logos in footer: Industry, University

3 3 Thesis Plan Show your Gantt chart or other timeline here for the tasks to complete your thesis

4 4 Technical details (review) What have you learned? An overview of your main outcomes so far would be good Please don’t overwhelm us with raw data You should be prepared to explain your experimental methods if required If you are using graphs please make sure that they have a title and axis labels that are legible Total presentation time: (10mins) 8mins + 2mins Q&A This slide should be the main part of your presentation  Please use colours other than red/green in any graphics  Please note that a good rule of thumb is 1 slide per 1.5mins and no more than 30 words to a slide, approximately 8 to 10 slides in total.

5 5 Publication Plan List planned future publications (note that you are expected to publish at least two high quality journal papers and international conference paper during your candidature)

6 6 Acknowledgements At the close remember to thank: AutoCRC Industry mentor University supervisor University support staff Team mates

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