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PELOPONNESIAN WAR WITH A SIDE OF MACEDONIA. Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE) Building tensions between Athens and Sparta, both push for war instead of.

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2 Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE) Building tensions between Athens and Sparta, both push for war instead of diplomacy Navy vs Army Sparta marches on Athenian territory, surrounds the city. Athens stays restocked through the use of their navy and ports. In 429 BCE, massive plague strikes Athens, killing ½ the population including its leader Pericles Athens surrenders in 404 BCE. Severely weakens most of the Greek city-states also called a what?

3 Philip II Became king of Macedonia in 359 BCE at the age of 23. Quickly turned the rugged peasants that made up his army into disciplined soldiers. Utilized the phalanx paired with a cavalry charge In 338 BCE, Athens and Thebes attempt to join forces against Philip’s army moving south, but are quickly defeated. In 336 BCE, at his daughter’s wedding, a former bodyguard stabs him and his son Alexander (with the support of the army) declares himself king.

4 Young Jedi Alexander Tutored by Aristotle (learned geography, science, and literature) Ruthless in his rule (destroyed Thebes just to prove a point) After defeating Darius III, Alexander planned the fall of Persia Conquered Egypt in 332 BCE Moved East to Mesopotamia to again confront Darius III and his 250,000 man army Darius flees again Continues to pursue Darius until he finds Darius dead, killed by a provincial governor 327 BCE- Reaches the Indus River Valley Troops beg Alexander to go home Had been fighting for 11 years, marched 12,000 miles

5 Alexander’s Legacy Returned to Babylon Died of a fever at the age of 32 Alexander’s general fought each other for control of the empire. 3 became the victors and split the empire Antigonus- took Macedonia and Greece Ptolemy- took Egypt and title of pharoah Seleucid- took most of the old Persian empire Alexander’s conquest ended the era of independent Greek city- states

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