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Teaching for Results Session 8 Facilitated by: Shauna Watson.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching for Results Session 8 Facilitated by: Shauna Watson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching for Results Session 8 Facilitated by: Shauna Watson

2 Objectives :  REVIEW and analyze effectiveness of implemented Communications-based teaching strategies.  USE diagnostic tools and ongoing assessment to gauge student performance in presentational communication and to inform future instruction.  ANALYZE and develop criteria for effectively assessing presentational communication skills aligned to foreign language content standards.  IDENTIFY ways to scaffold these criteria over time via formative assessment.  DESIGN/MODIFY tracking system to include presentational communication skills appropriate for levels of students in focus group.  PREPARE to use student performance data to set SMART goals for instruction that will maximize student achievement.

3 Agenda  Opening 4:30 – 4:50 pm  Section 1 – Exploring Presentational Communication skills 4:50 – 5:30  Section 2 – Diagnosing Speaking and Writing levels 5:30- 6:40  Section 3 – Tracking Student Progress 6:40 – 7:10  Closing - Reflection 7:10 – 7:20

4 Do Now – Sailing & Wailing List two strategies, lessons, activities (i.e a game or exam), or events that have gone well so far this year. List one thing that has not gone well (i.e poor exam grade, poor behavior management, conversation with a parent…)

5 Communities Strategy Review Strategy Debrief: Step 1: Each person briefly shares their objective, the strategy they taught, and one piece of evidence that indicates whether students met their lesson objective. [Examples of evidence include a list of student scores, samples of student work (some that met and some that did not meet expectations), and a grade book.] Step 2: Group members validate whether the evidence shows that the objectives were met. Step 3: One group member shares the question they wrote on the reflection sheet that will inform their future implementation of the strategy. The group discusses this question. Step 4: Participants take notes on implications for their own teaching, in the bottom box of the reflection sheet.

6 Agenda  Opening 4:30 – 4:50 pm  Section 1 – Exploring Presentational Communication Skills 4:50 – 5:30  Section 2 – Diagnosing Speaking and Writing levels 5:30- 6:40  Section 3 – Tracking Student Progress 6:40 – 7:10  Closing - Reflection 7:10 – 7:20

7 Carousel Activity Go to the poster with the number that matches the number of your uno card. In your groups discuss the quote and write ▫the translation for the quote ▫ interpretation of the quote. ▫ English quote/proverb that is similar to the Spanish quote. When the timer buzzes go to the next poster and repeat the steps. You will have 5 mins. at each poster.

8 The best way to learn a foreign language is to speak it. When trying to speak a foreign language, your goal is to imitate the native speaker. Adults learn second languages more easily than children. Second language learners will acquire English faster if their parents speak English at home. Cognitive and academic development in native language has an important and positive effect on second language learning.

9 FUDS 1. Identify the problem. 2. Brainstorm. 3. Discuss as a group. 4. Discuss all issues of concern.

10 Agenda  Opening 4:30 – 4:50 pm  Section 1 – Exploring Presentational Communication Skills 4:50 – 5:30  Section 2 – Diagnosing Speaking and Writing levels 5:30- 6:40  Section 3 – Tracking Student Progress 6:40 – 7:10  Closing - Reflection 7:10 – 7:20

11 Turn & Talk

12 Logistics & Action plan Diagnostic Exam When - Where - How – What- Why -

13 Action Plan Modify Diagnostic Begin Action Plan Additional Assessments - Jigsaw Share Out

14 Agenda  Opening 4:30 – 4:50 pm  Section 1 – Exploring Presentational Communication Skills 4:50 – 5:30  Section 2 – Diagnosing Speaking and Writing levels 5:30- 6:40  Section 3 – Tracking Student Progress 6:40 – 7:10  Closing - Reflection 7:10 – 7:20

15 Formative vs. Summative Assessment  Assessment Practices  Summative Exam  Tracking & SMART Goal Setting

16 Agenda  Opening 4:30 – 4:50 pm  Section 1 – Exploring Presentational Communication Skills 4:50 – 5:30  Section 2 – Diagnosing Speaking and Writing levels 5:30- 6:40  Section 3 – Tracking Student Progress 6:40 – 7:10  Closing - Reflection 7:10 – 7:20

17 Closing- Reflection Were the objectives met? Lingering questions? Strategies for Handout 1.11 ▫Carousal ▫FUDS Next session – Communication Feedback Folders

18 Homework Complete Handout 8.5 Continue filling in Handout 3.13 Use Diagnostic to reassess students prior to Session 14

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