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Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? Section B.

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1 Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? Section B

2 Read this article from the Hilltop Language School news letter and answer the following questions. Come to the Hilltop Language School and change your life Here’s what two of our students said about our school. for two years now. It’s a really interesting job because I travel all over the world. I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School! Mei Shan 3a I want to be a tour guide. In fact, it’s all I have ever wanted to be. I want to travel, especially to English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia. However, I know that I have to improve my English, so I’ve started taking lessons at the Hilltop Language School. The Hilltop Language School has really helped me learn English. I’ve been a student here for a year now, and I really love it. Maybe when I leave school I’ll think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide! David Feng When I was a young girl, all ever wanted to do was traveling, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant

3 1. What does Mei Shan do? 2. How long had she had the job? 3. Why did she want the job? 4. How long did she study English? 5. What kind of job does David want? 6. Has he ever been to an English-speaking country? 7. How long has he been studying at the school? 8. What other job is he thinking of doing? She is a flight attendant. She has had the job for two years. She wanted to travel. She studied English for five years. David wants to be a tour guide. No. He’s been a student for one year. He might become an English teacher instead.

4 When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now. It’s a really interesting job because I travel all over the world. I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School! Mei Shan 机组乘务员 发现 需求,要求 因此,在我成为飞机乘务员之 前,我已经学了五年英语了。

5 I want to be a tour guide. In fact, it’s all I have ever wanted to be. I want to travel, especially to English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia. However, I know that I have to improve my English, so I have started taking lessons at the Hilltop Language School. The Hilltop Language School has really helped me learn English. I’ve been a student here for a year now, and I really love it. Maybe when I leave school I’ll think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide! David Feng 导游 特别地是 例如 离开 考虑 胜于 / 不是 … 而是

6 快速反应 : 根据句意及首字母补全单词 (1)His father is a tour g______. He has been to many interesting places. (2)Yesterday I a______ a meeting. (3)English is a very important l__________. (4)My English isn’t good, so I want to i_________ it. (5)------How do you s_______ your name? ------G-R-E-E-N.

7 小小翻译家 : (1) 也许在我毕业时我会考虑当一名英语老师而不是导游. Maybe when I graduate I’ll think about becoming an English teacher ______ ______ a tour guide. (2) 你认为这本小说怎么样 ? What do you _______ _______ the novel? (3) 实际上, 这是我一直以来的一个梦想. _______ ________,it is all I’ve ever wanted to be. (4) 我发现最重要的就是要精通英语. I discovered that the _______ ___________ requirement was to speak English well. (5) 迈克来自伦敦吗 ? _______ Mike _______ _________ Lodon?

8 Explanation 1. It’s fun to learn another language. 句中 it 是形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的 不定式 to learn another language 。英语中动词 和动词短语都可以做主语, 这时常用动名词 形式或 it 做主语, 将真正的主语以动词不定式 的形式放在后面, 以避免主语太长而弄不清 句意。如:

9 Eating fruit and vegetables every day can keep us fit. It can keep you thin and healthy to take more exercise.

10 2. …all I ever wanted to do was travel. I ever wanted to do 是定语从句。 我曾经想做的一切是旅行。 3. …that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. that the best way to do this 是主语从句。 做这个的最好方法是成为一个机组乘务员。

11 4. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. 这是个强调句型。 正是因为我能讲英语, 我得到了这个工作。 It is / was +被强调的部分+ that / who +其他部分 如 : I met Mary in a store yesterday. It was Mary who I met in a store yesterday. 昨天我在商店遇见的是 Mary. It was in a store that I met Mary yesterday. 昨天我是在商店遇见的 Mary. It was yesterday that I met Mary in a store. 我是昨天在商店遇见的 Mary.

12 5. In fact, it’s all I have ever wanted to be. I have ever wanted to be 是一个定语从句。 事实上, 那就是我曾经所想的全部。

13 Translate these sentences into English. 1. 你做空乘员几年了? 2 做这件事最好的方法是学好英语。 3 我在山顶语言学校学习五年了。 4 毕业后我要考虑成为一名英语老师而不是导游。 5 为了提高我的英语我开始在一所语言学校上课。 6 我想象我的哥哥姐姐一样努力学习。 How long have you been a flight attendant? The best way to do this is to learn English well. I have studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years. After I leave school I’ll think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide. I started taking lessons at a language school to improve my English. I want to study hard such as my brother and sister.

14 When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was___, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a___. I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now. It’s a really interesting job because I travel___. I___ that the most___ was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years ___ I became a flight attendant. It was because I could ___ that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School! Mei Shan I want to be a ___. In fact, it’s all I have ever wanted to be. I want to travel, ___to English- speaking countries ___ the United States and Australia. However, I know that I have to ___ my English, so I have started ___ at the Hilltop Language School. The Hilltop Language School has really helped me ___. I’ve been a student here for a year now, and I really love it. Maybe when I ___ I’ll ___ an English teacher ___a tour guide! David Feng

15 Which one is wrong in each sentences? 1.Harvey has become a tour guide for one year. A B C 2.He has started studying for the math test two days ago. A B C 3.What the other job are you thinking of doing besides A B C teaching? 4.I suggest going somewhere interesting such like Harbin. A B C 5.The best way of learning English is use it often. A B C Have a try!

16 Questionnaire Name:(you)(your friends) Studying English for: When: How long: English-speaking countries visited: How: What (like): What (job): Why do you want to improve your English? When did you start studying English? What kind of job do you want? Have you ever been to an English- speaking country? How do you study English? How long have you been studying English? What do you like best about studying English?

17 According to the questionnaire above, try to write an article and talk about your opinions about studying English.

18 1. 抄写以下单词,词组,并默写。 understand, English-speaking, exchange attendant, discover, requirement, especially, tour guide, such as, rather than, think about 2. 背诵课文 3. 写作 (周四交)写一篇关于自己学英语的 具体情况,体会和感受 (参考调查表)

19 Thank you!

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