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M ANAGING P UBLIC H EALTH Assess, Plan, Prioritize Michelle Ponce, Kansas Association of Local Health Departments Cindy Samuelson, Kansas Hospital Association.

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Presentation on theme: "M ANAGING P UBLIC H EALTH Assess, Plan, Prioritize Michelle Ponce, Kansas Association of Local Health Departments Cindy Samuelson, Kansas Hospital Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 M ANAGING P UBLIC H EALTH Assess, Plan, Prioritize Michelle Ponce, Kansas Association of Local Health Departments Cindy Samuelson, Kansas Hospital Association

2 W HAT D OES IT M EAN TO M ANAGE P UBLIC H EALTH L IKE P UBLIC W ORKS AND P UBLIC S AFETY ? Engage in a process to identify where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there What are the needs and priorities of your community? Examples: Review crime statistics to make budget and staffing decision about the county jail Review traffic study before making decisions about roads and bridges You need data to inform decisions about public health

3 T HE W ORK OF Y OUR H EALTH D EPARTMENT Beyond services… HD’s engage in strategic planning to ensure they meet the needs of their communities HD’s conduct COMMUNITY HEALTH ASSESSMENTS (CHA) CHA is a process to assess, plan, and prioritize gather baseline data about the health of your community; to identify community needs and priorities; and to develop agency-specific goals and outcomes.

4 C OMMUNITY H EALTH A SSESSMENT This is not “NEW” work Gathering and analyzing data Monitoring the health of the community is a key component of public health Many counties have completed CHAs before, or are working on them now Data collected this spring 53% of county health departments have obtained support from their governing bodies to move forward with the CHA process

5 C OMMUNITY H EALTH A SSESSMENT Engaging community partners Community engagement is critical Partners may also be conducting CHAs Can be a single-county process or can be done by partnering with neighboring counties The HD can be the “connector,” helping to increase efficiency and reduce duplication Identify resources Identify partners in the process

6 501( C )3 H OSPITAL R EQUIREMENTS  At least once every three years; first one must be completed by end of tax year beginning after March 23, 2012.  Include input from persons who represent the broad interest of the community.  Include input from persons having public health knowledge or expertise  Make assessment widely available to the public.  Adopt a written implementation strategy to address identified community needs.  Failure to comply results in excise tax penalty of $50,000 per year. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Health Care Reform Law March, 2010)

7 A P ARTNERSHIP IS F ORMED In March 2011, the Kansas Hospital Association and the Kansas Association of Local Health Departments signed a joint resolution that encourages local health departments and hospitals to work together in conducting community health assessments and community health improvement plans. In order to encourage this joint planning process, both accreditation standards and PPACA requirements were considered when addressing solutions.


9 Crosswalk between hospital and health department requirements. This and other tools online at: 9


11 R ECENT DATA Are you conducting or planning a Community Health Needs Assessment?

12 R ECENT DATA Are you conducting or planning a Community Health Needs Assessment?

13 R ECENT DATA Are you working in partnership with your local health department?

14 R ECENT DATA Are you working in partnership with your local health department? 78% of HDs

15 W HAT D OES Y OUR HD N EED FROM Y OU ? Embrace your role as the local Board of Health Your support and approval to carry out the work Use your connections Participate in community meetings

16 H OW D OES THIS W ORK B ENEFIT YOU AS THE BOH TO M ANAGE P UBLIC H EALTH ? The CHA is an action-oriented process Your HD will collect and analyze data about your communities health outcomes to identify needs and priorities Information will be used to develop improvement and strategic plans - And they will share this information with you What good is it to you?

17 U SE D ATA TO M ANAGE P UBLIC H EALTH Develop budgets Target scarce resources to identified community needs Decision-making Develop goals and outcomes for the HD and other county agencies Leverage resources Improve workplace wellness/Improve productivity of county employees Build a healthier environment Attract/retain population Economic development

18 C ONCLUSION Embrace your role as the Board of Health Rely on your health department staff for their expertise Partner with your health department to make informed decisions to improve the health of your community

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