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Notifier Status Workshop Verizon East Agenda Overview of Notifier Status Review of Notifier Status Capabilities Accessing Notifier Status Demonstration.

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Presentation on theme: "Notifier Status Workshop Verizon East Agenda Overview of Notifier Status Review of Notifier Status Capabilities Accessing Notifier Status Demonstration."— Presentation transcript:


2 Notifier Status Workshop Verizon East

3 Agenda Overview of Notifier Status Review of Notifier Status Capabilities Accessing Notifier Status Demonstration of Notifier Status

4 Overview of Notifier Status Notifier Status will provide CLECs with the ability to access real time PON status information in an online, self-service mode through the Local Service Interface (LSI). CLECs will be able to query their PON status information, regardless of interface used to submit the PON, through two different options:  Search by Notifier Type  Notifier Search by PON(s) Query results will be available for viewing online or they can be downloaded into Microsoft Excel.

5 Review Of Notifier Capabilities Search by Notifier Type Enables CLECs to view all PONs in a particular notifier status. Queries can be performed for the following notifier types:  Acknowledgement (ACK)  Local Service Confirmation (LSC)  Query  Jeopardy (JEP)  Canceled (CAN)  Provisioning Completion Notice (PCN)  Billing Completion Notice (BCN)

6 Review Of Notifier Capabilities Searches can be narrowed through a selection of a particular state and/or appropriate date-range options uPON Confirmed Due Date Range uPON Create Date Range uNotifier Sent Date Range Date ranges are available for up to 60 Calendar Days prior to the current date of the search.

7 Review Of Notifier Capabilities Notifier Search by PON(s) Enables CLECs to view status associated with a particular PON or group of PONs, as specified by the user. Based on the selected search, CLECs will be able to view the following information for each relevant PON. u PON u PON Version u LSR Number u State u Notifier Status u Status/Notifier Sent Date/Time u Account Telephone Number (ATN) u PON Create Date/Time u PON Confirmed Due Date/Time

8 Accessing Notifier Status The Verizon Connectivity Management Team will establish access for the selected individuals. Process to Obtain Access uNotify the Connectivity Management Team via email for access request. uThe CMT will respond with verification via email. Each CLEC will be assigned one user to access this functionality.

9 Demonstration of Notifier Status

10 Notifier Status Questions?

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