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Sumeria. High Priestess Lu'enna to the king of Lagash 2400 BCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Sumeria. High Priestess Lu'enna to the king of Lagash 2400 BCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sumeria

2 High Priestess Lu'enna to the king of Lagash 2400 BCE

3 Babylonian Empire under Hammurabi

4 Babylonian code of laws

5 Map of Early Mesopothamian period

6 Egypt

7 Amarna Tablet

8 Periods in Egiptian history Greek Dynasty- (332 - 30 B.C.E.) Persian Period II - (342 - 332 B.C.E.) Late Period II - (425 - 342 B.C.E.) Persian Period I - (517 - 425 B.C.E.) Late Period I - (1069 - 517 B.C.E.) New Kingdom - (1550 - 1069 B.C.E.) Intermediate Period II - (1650 - 1550 B.C.E.) Middle Kingdom - (2125 - 1650 B.C.E.) Intermediate Period I - (2181 - 2125 B.C.E.) Old Kingdom - (3100 - 2181 B.C.E.) Archaic Period - (3414 - 3100 B.C.E.) Predynastic Period - (5464 - 3414 B.C.E.)

9 Athens and Lacaedemon with their allies





14 Timeline of Mid-East civilizations

15 Phoenician and Greek colonies and trade

16 Neo Assyrian Empire

17 Persian Empire

18 Persian-Greek wars

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