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Using USGS Stream-Flow Data to Develop Quantitative Skills in Introductory-Level Geology Classes Ben Laabs Department of Geological Sciences SUNY Geneseo.

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Presentation on theme: "Using USGS Stream-Flow Data to Develop Quantitative Skills in Introductory-Level Geology Classes Ben Laabs Department of Geological Sciences SUNY Geneseo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using USGS Stream-Flow Data to Develop Quantitative Skills in Introductory-Level Geology Classes Ben Laabs Department of Geological Sciences SUNY Geneseo *Activity developed at Gustavus Adolphus College and SUNY Geneseo*

2 Goals Determine the height (ft asl) of the 100-year flood on a river in your town, establish a flood- hazard zone on a topographic map Recognize the relationship of flood discharge and stage Quantitative-skill development –Data collection, manipulation and analysis –Calculating flood recurrence interval –“Assessment” of error in estimating 100-year flood Develop a fundamental understanding of MS Excel

3 Materials Streamflow data - http://water.usgs.gov Topographic maps Graph paper or access to MS Excel


5 Advantages Designed for two-hour lab, but could be made longer or assigned as a homework assignment Study of a real, familiar setting –Could be applied to any “non-dammed” river with two or more USGS gaging stations Group activity, engages students Could be used in any introductory-level class (Physical Geology, Environmental, Natural Disasters, etc.)

6 Challenges Resources – computers, web access are great but not essential –Teaching assistants are a bonus Lengthy pre-lab lecture Issues with MS Excel –Versions of software, Mac vs. PC –Teaching equation writing, graphing and drawing

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