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Comprehensive Science 1.  Name the force that is shown in the purple arrow. Is it a contact, or non-contact force?  Challenge: name the forces shown.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Science 1.  Name the force that is shown in the purple arrow. Is it a contact, or non-contact force?  Challenge: name the forces shown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Science 1

2  Name the force that is shown in the purple arrow. Is it a contact, or non-contact force?  Challenge: name the forces shown in the other colored arrows.

3 The purple arrow shows air resistance, which is a contact force. Challenge answer:  Yellow is applied force  Green is gravitational force  Blue is normal force  Red is friction

4  Science Fair boards with no names  New Retake/intervention process  Grades on back board  Learning goals for new section Unit Test on Feb. 9 th and 10 th

5  I can identify gravity as the force that causes objects to fall to Earth.  I can differentiate between mass and weight.  I can investigate the Law of Universal Gravitation.  I can relate distance and mass to the gravitational force between any two objects.


7  Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object.  Weight is a measure of the gravitational pull on an object. The more matter in an object = the bigger the gravitational pull = the more weight.

8 Directly Proportional means when one variable goes up, the other variable also goes up. If one variable goes down, so does the other. EX: When I eat, my hunger is reduced and my need to eat is also reduced Indirectly proportional means When one variable goes up, the other variable goes down. The variables do the exact opposite. EX: When I run, my energy goes down and my need for rest goes up.

9 Directly Proportional Basically, both variable go the same way. Indirectly proportional The variables go the opposite way

10 All objects exert a gravitational force on other objects.

11 the amount of mass in an object affects the amount of force A lot of mass exerts a lot of force less mass exerts less force. Mass and force are directly proportional.

12 the distance of an object affects the amount of force If distance increases, then force decreases. If distance increases, then force decreases. If distance decreases, then force increases. If distance decreases, then force increases. Distance and force are inversely proportional.

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