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Comenius: Future School Leaders Evidence-informed Practice Raphael Wilkins Sub-brand to go here.

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1 Comenius: Future School Leaders Evidence-informed Practice Raphael Wilkins Sub-brand to go here

2 2 What is a research-engaged school? It has three characteristics: It undertakes its own internal practitioner research It accesses and uses published research findings It is willing to be the subject of research

3 Research-engaged schools....have three further attributes: The impetus for research engagement comes from the school itself The school’s professional culture reflects its research-engagement The school has an outward-looking professional orientation 3

4 Evidence-based Reform The ‘evidence-based reform’ standpoint Treats education as comparable to scientific fields eg medicine, engineering Believes research can identify best practices which should then be imposed top-down Treats teachers as technical operatives, who should implement ‘proven’ methods developed by external ‘experts’ This standpoint is in tension with the idea of the ‘research-engaged school’ 4

5 Research-engaged schools …have a different standpoint. They See education as involving complex human interactions which are not suited to ‘engineering’ solutions Believe research can identify practices which work well in specific contexts Treat teachers as professionals who are able to contribute to the growth of knowledge through practitioner research A research-engaged school will make selective and pro-active use of the products of the ‘evidence-based reform’ movement. 5

6 Accessing published research findings General professional reading, including of research summaries Staff reference library School subscribes to online reference use of a university library Conference attendance Website browsing School organises discussions and seminars about recent research findings Support from external experts eg in universities Staff studying for higher degrees 6

7 Practitioner Research ‘Systematic and sustained enquiry made public’ (Stenhouse) Methods: reflective practice, reading, participant observation, non- participant observation, ethnography, experiment, case studies, qualitative survey, quantitative survey. Scale: individual, small team, cross-school team, school with partner (eg university), groups of schools, groups of schools with partner(s). 7

8 Action Research benefits from: Senior management support Topic related to actual work priorities Adequate professional reading An in-school peer group Tight scoping: keep it small Strong data capture and recording at every stage External support Worthwhile dissemination Being part of how the organisation works 8

9 Motivations for school leaders to support research engagement Solving problems Professional development ‘Living’ and exemplifying an educational philosophy Supporting teacher-led school improvement 9

10 Developmental stages of researcher- leadership Stage 1: Personal journey Stage 2: Change agent Stage 3: Culture of practitioner research is significantly institutionalised Stage 4: Culture of practitioner research is fully institutionalised 10

11 How school leaders support research School vision encourages research Staff are supported with time and money to undertake research Senior managers take interest in research findings Organisation structures and procedures support research and provide opportunities for dissemination Suitable sources of external support are arranged (eg from a university) 11

12 Motivations for teachers to become research engaged Personal interest / curiosity To gain a higher degree To improve performance in current role To prepare for career development / promotion To be part of departmental or whole school developments 12

13 13 Activity 1. In what ways, and to what extent, is your school ‘research engaged’? 2.Identify an issue for your school which could be addressed through practitioner research 3.Identify three ways in which research engagement could be strengthened in your school

14 Any questions or points to raise? 14

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