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指導老師:徐玉瓊 4980M085 曾怡如 M104 張倚鳳 M106 黃庭瑜 Why You’ll Love It M A Y B E L L I N E N E W Y O R K ®

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Presentation on theme: "指導老師:徐玉瓊 4980M085 曾怡如 M104 張倚鳳 M106 黃庭瑜 Why You’ll Love It M A Y B E L L I N E N E W Y O R K ®"— Presentation transcript:


2 指導老師:徐玉瓊 4980M085 曾怡如 M104 張倚鳳 M106 黃庭瑜 Why You’ll Love It M A Y B E L L I N E N E W Y O R K ®

3 Catalogue Briefing 曾怡如 Why You’ll Love It 1/16 Story Product VALS Marketing Strategy Advertising Conclusion

4 Why You’ll Love It Briefing 曾怡如 2/16 Story In 1913 Young Chicago chemist Thomas Williams and his older sister, Maybel, was in love with a man who was in love with someone else. Maybel did her best with what was available. Her brother decided to help her increase her allure by adding carbon dust to the petroleum jelly,which darkened her lashes and brows more dramatically. chemist :化學家 petroleum jelly :凡士林 lash :眼睫毛

5 3/16 Briefing 曾怡如 Why You’ll Love It Story Maybel got her man and Thomas founded what would become the global industry giant, Maybelline, named after the bride and her favourite beauty aid. aid :助手 In 1915

6 Story Briefing 曾怡如 Why You’ll Love It 4/16 Today Maybelline New York is the number one global cosmetics brand and is available in over 129 countries worldwide. Offering more than 200 products. Maybelline New York is the official sponsor of New York Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

7 Briefing 曾怡如 Why You’ll Love It 5/16 Product Blemish Balm Cream & Mascara

8 Briefing 黃庭瑜 Why You’ll Love It 6/16 Value And Life Style As time has changed, women have begun to focus on their appearance mascara is essential to cosmetics, aimed to make eyelashes become thicker, slender, and curling and make her eyes look beautiful and energetic.

9 Value And Life Style People are usually busy nowdays,with fast pace, BB cream is suitable for business women and students because it would only take a few minutes to care of your skin and have a beautiful make-up. Why You’ll Love It 7/16 Briefing 黃庭瑜

10 Why You’ll Love It 8/16 Marketing Strategy Stilettos Waterproof Mascara In 2010, Maybelline produced an incredible gift. It makes world’s NO.1 mascara to make our eyelashes long and thick. It feels like putting a pair of high-heels on your eyeslashes. In just a second, it creates sexy big eyes. product Briefing 黃庭瑜

11 Pure Mineral BB Cream 9/16 Why You’ll Love It Briefing 張倚鳳 Marketing Strategy The mineral BB cream in the market nowadays is useful for skin. It combines eight functions. It is a one for eight merchandise and made of eight mineral useful for skin at the same time. product

12 Why You’ll Love It Marketing Strategy 10/16 Price is one of the most important consideration for consumers. Maybelline is one of the fair price in the open-shelf makeup store; therefore it has become the most priority choice for the female customer. price Briefing 張倚鳳

13 Why You’ll Love It 11/16 Marketing Strategy Maybelline is an open-frame brand, from the major drug stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and the internet we have the access of a wide range of choices. It is also easy and convenient for business women and students. place Briefing 張倚鳳

14 Briefing 曾怡如 12/16 Marketing Strategy Why You’ll Love It The purpose of Internet products on the Maybelline brand is to share the feelings from the consumers and is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of itself. promotion

15 Marketing Strategy Why You’ll Love It 13/16 Topical EX :「 number one in the world 」 Briefing 張倚鳳

16 Advertising Why You’ll Love It 14/16 Briefing 張倚鳳

17 Advertising Why You’ll Love It 15/16 Briefing 張倚鳳

18 Conclusion Why You’ll Love It 16/16 We found that to network Maybelline pay more attention marketing, It is proposed to hold same with consumers interactive activities and thus increase brand awareness and product sales. Briefing 黃庭瑜

19 Thank you !! The End

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