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Pipeline Public Awareness Programs: Lessons Learned November 4, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Pipeline Public Awareness Programs: Lessons Learned November 4, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pipeline Public Awareness Programs: Lessons Learned November 4, 2010

2 Public Awareness Program Objectives Raise awareness of affected public and key stakeholders of presence of pipelines Increase understanding of role of pipelines in transporting energy Help public understand accidents are possible, but pipelines still safe transportation Help public understand measures pipeline operators take to prevent accidents Help public understand the steps they can take to prevent and respond to pipeline emergencies

3 Objectives of the RP Assist pipeline operators develop framework for public awareness program Assist operators with determining factors that may indicate enhancements necessary Provide practices that are clear, reasonable and practical to enhance pipeline safety

4 Timeline 2003: API RP 1162 drafted May 2005: API RP 1162 incorporated into regulation June 20, 2006: Clock starts ticking on PAPs June 20, 2010: End of 1 st 4-year cycle; external measurement must be completed

5 2006 – 2010: Challenges Supplemental (Enhanced) programs –Implementation Internal –Triggers –Diverse industry = no cookie-cutter approach –Getting key stakeholders to pay attention Motivation

6 2006 – 2010: Challenges Measuring change in behavior –Impossible to measure quantitatively Clutter –Can be measured anecdotally and applied –Communication process: attention, awareness, agreement, opinions, behavior… More informed and aware = more likely to act –Goal of API RP 1162 is increased awareness, not behavior change

7 2006 – 2010: Challenges Evaluating program effectiveness –Define effective Reaching intended recipients? Easy to understand messaging, content? Behavior change? Bottom-line results? –What can we effectively measure, and how?

8 Revision of API RP 1162 Revised document completed Currently in publication process Editorial changes –Remove redundancies –Streamline writing –Improve document functionality

9 Substantive issues addressed –Number of messages Baseline (core safety) vs. Enhanced (non-core safety) –Delivery methods Increased flexibility for operators –Measurement Awareness vs. change in behavior

10 Conclusions Not a perfect program –Continued improvement –Adapt to changing environments Shared goals –Safety –Increased awareness of pipelines in communities Partnership: How can we work together?

11 Contact information Terri Larson 713-353-6317

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