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Communications Planning CUC Teleseminar Presented by Scott Jackson January 23, 2008 1Communications Planning - January 23, 2008.

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1 Communications Planning CUC Teleseminar Presented by Scott Jackson January 23, 2008 1Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

2 Introduction Presenter: Scott Jackson (  Communications Director, Co-operative Housing Federation of BC  15 years community journalism, public and investor relations  Member, Unitarian Church of Vancouver Agenda This presentation will cover basic elements of strategic communications. It will touch on the following elements, with time for questions:  Planning  Implementation  Evaluation 2Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

3 Why communicate? Organizations need to communicate for one or all of the following reasons:  To inform  To present a point of view  To build understanding or prevent misunderstanding  To lower barriers and build connection between groups and individuals  To change behaviour  To stimulate action 3Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

4 Communications Planning Communications happens when the message you send is received, understood and acted upon by your intended audience. Communications planning is simply a process to help you reach that goal. The communications plan has been described in a number of ways, including:  a foundation on which to base decisions and create ideas  a means of focusing on where you want to be and what needs to be done to get there  a tool for discovering opportunities, optimizing challenges and initiating change, and  a means of monitoring your communications efforts. 4Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

5 Planning - Research Start your communications planning with some research:  What are your organization's goals, strengths and weaknesses?  What resources do you already have?  Is there any current information or research that will help you?  Has this type of communications activity taken place before in your organization’s history? What was the result?  What are your major communications opportunities?  What are your major communications impediments? 5Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

6 Planning - Analysis The analysis stage involves sifting through the research to look for information that will help you frame your communications plan. Analysis can help you:  define your communications challenge  identify friends (and opposition) and suggest their motivation  help identify audiences, place them in order of importance and determine how they perceive your organization, and  suggest what messages should be directed to your audience. 6Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

7 Planning – Goals & Objectives Defining your goals and objectives will help you focus on the who, why, when and how of your communications planning. Goals are the overall changes you wish to cause. Objectives are the short-term, measurable steps you take to reach your goal. Your objectives should be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed) 7Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

8 Planning – Target audiences To determine your target audiences  list the groups with whom you need to communicate  analyze each group  try to be specific and vivid as possible  try to envision the ideal “Average Jane or Joe” in your target group 8Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

9 Planning – Target audiences Possible Target Audiences Internal  Members  Staff  Donors  Volunteers  Potential new members External Target Audiences  Media  Government  Civic leaders  Other groups and organizations  The community or general public 9Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

10 Planning – Develop key messages Identify the essential idea or set of ideas you want to communicate. Ask yourself –  What does the audience know about this issue?  What does the audience need to know?  What do we want to tell the audience? Develop the message(s) you want your target audience(s) to hear and to believe. Write down each message in a simple, specific statement. A theme or slogan can help unify your plan. Think about your organization or initiative as a brand. 10Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

11 Implementation - Tactics Your communications planning hierarchy: Goals……… Objectives……….. Tactics. Having completed your communications analysis, objectives, audience evaluation and key messages you will be able to narrow your choices to the communications vehicles that:  fit with the resources you already have  are the most effective to reach your target audiences and influence them with your message(s), and  help you achieve your goals and deliver the outcomes you want. 11Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

12 Implementation – Communications Vehicles Internal Face to face  personal contacts - effective, time consuming  public meetings - bring people together  public speaking - very effective personal contact, needs time commitment  special events Print materials  bulletin board messages  posters - highly visible for a long time, suggests a special occasion  brochures/pamphlets/publications - good communications tools if they are targeted to those who need the information and are open to the message  form letters - a good communications tool when personalized and targeted carefully  newsletters  annual report – for big picture 12Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

13 Implementation – Communications Vehicles Internal (cont’d) Electronic tools  website  email lists – very cheap and effective, must maintain list (ie. honour removal requests), and be careful not to overuse (spam)  email newsletters – excellent way to streamline use of email  online discussion forums – message boards  web 2.0 – such as blogging, wikis, online networking and other democratic and user-generated content 13Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

14 Implementation – Communications vehicles External Media relations  regular contact with journalists  meeting with editorial boards  news releases - mailing list must be well maintained  information kits - background information  letters to the editor  spokesperson  public service announcements - community media often accept PSAs Government Relations  contact with government officials - add government officials or offices to your mailing list  briefings/briefing documents 14Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

15 Implementation – Communications vehicles External (cont’d) Paid Advertising*  print - newspapers, magazines; good for conveying details  radio - effective if carefully targeted  television - effective in reaching broad target audiences, expensive  outdoor - good for mobile audiences  transit ads - good for urban audiences  sponsorships * non-profit organizations with crossover audiences often trade advertising or sponsorships to save money 15Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

16 Implementation – Key considerations Timing  ensure messages/projects/events don’t competing unnecessarily with each other  use a communications calendar to schedule your messages and initiatives.  if you develop a long-term plan, be sure to build in some check points to monitor progress and aid adjustments. Plain language and plain design  keep your messages concise, simple, appealing and consistent.  aim for an eighth-grade reading level Communications styles  keep in mind the special needs and preferences of your audiences (eg. ESL, age related considerations, gender, learning styles) 16Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

17 Evaluation Your communications plan guides your evaluation. If it has SMART measurable objectives then evaluating your progress should be fairly simple. Formal – readership surveys*, polling, focus groups, etc. Informal – talking to audience, assessing feedback *Online surveys are great! Try sites like 17Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

18 “I have always found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower 18Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

19 Links Campaigning for change Writing for the web - Branding – 19Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

20 Presentation credits This presentation is an adaptation of the fact sheet Communications Planning for Organizations on the website of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. 20Communications Planning - January 23, 2008

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