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Antiprotozoal and Antihilmintic Drugs General Pharmacology M212 Dr. Laila M. Matalqah.

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Presentation on theme: "Antiprotozoal and Antihilmintic Drugs General Pharmacology M212 Dr. Laila M. Matalqah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antiprotozoal and Antihilmintic Drugs General Pharmacology M212 Dr. Laila M. Matalqah

2 Protozoal Infection  Protozoal diseases are less easily treated than bacterial infections:  Unicellular protozoal cells have metabolic processes closer to human cells than bacteria.  Many of antiprotozoal drugs cause serious toxic effects and most of them are not safe I n pregnancy.  Protozoal diseases, such as:  Malaria,  Amebiasis,  Leishmaniasis,  Trypanosomiasis,  Trichomoniasis,  Giardiasis

3 Antiamebic Drugs  Mixed amebicides : both systemic and luminal  Metronidazole  Tinidazole  Luminal amebicides – treatment of the asymptomatic colonization state.  Iodoquinol,  Paromomycin  diloxanide furoate  systemic amebicides – These drugs are useful for treating liver abscesses and intestinal wall infections caused by amebas  Chloroquine  Emetine  Dehydroemetine 

4 Life cycle of Entameaba histolytica and the sites of action of amebicidal drugs

5 Mixed amebicide  Metronidazole  MOA: Releases in the parasites toxic superoxide or hydroxyl radical forming reduced cytotoxic compounds that bind to proteins and DNA, resulting in cell death.  Metronidazole is Drug of choice (DOC) for amebic infection and for infections caused by:  Giardia lamblia  Trichomonas vaginalis  Anaerobic cocci, gram+ve bacilli and “C.difficile” that cause Pseudomemberanous colitis

6 Metronidazole (cont.)  It kills the trophozoites and less effective against the cyst  Most effective against the invasive amebae  Less effective against the luminal amebae SO it is usually administered with a luminal amebicide, such as iodoquinol or paromomycin

7 Luminal Amebicides Iodoquinol *Paromomycin *diloxanide furoate They have a direct amebicidal effect to the trophozoites and cyst forms. Used in: asymptomatic cyst carriers and in intestinal amebiasis. Amebae feed on intestinal Flora so tetracycline is added to luminal amebicides to decrease major food source. Side effects iodoquinol include rash, diarrhea, and dose-related peripheral neuropathy, including a rare optic neuritis.

8 Systemic Amebicides *Chloroquine :useful for treating liver abscesses, and intestinal wall trophozoites ** Usually used with metronidazole and diloxanide furoate to treat and prevent liver abscess – orally for 25 days *** Other uses: Antimalaial and anti-inflammatory in arthritis.

9 Systemic Amebicides 2. Emetine and Dihydroemetine They inhibit protein synthesis Direct amebicidal on invasive amebae in tissue. Given IM. Its half-life in plasma is 5 days They should not be taken for more than 5 days ADRs: – GIT upset very common (N&V). – Cardiotoxicity: arrhythmia and CHF – Neuromuscular weakness,dizziness and skin rash.

10 Summary

11 Malaria Malaria is an acute infectious disease caused by four species of the protozoal genus Plasmodium: P. malariae, P. falciparum,P. ovale and P. Vivex Life cycle: Anopheles mosquito injects -- Plasmodium sporozoites into the bloodstream - to the liver form merozoites invades a red blood cell, becoming a trophozoite - released merozoites from RBCs can become gametocytes – to the insect becoming sporozoites again……and so on

12 Life cycle of malaria parasite and the sites of action of antimalarial drugs

13 Antimalarial Drugs No drug against sporozoites is available. (?) a: They remain in the blood for a very short time. b: They have very low metabolic rate, “not easily destroyed by drugs”

14 1:Drugs Against Exoerythrocytic Form Primaquine (8-aminoquinoline) “Tissue schizonticide” MOA: oxidative agent??? Also has gametocidal effect  prevent transmission. Primaquine is the only agent that can lead to radical cures of the P. vivax and P. ovale malarias, which may remain in the liver in the exoerythrocytic form after the erythrocytic form of the disease is eliminated Well absorbed orally. Side effects: May cause hemolytic anemia in G6PD deficiency,decrease WBC and hemoglobinemia. C/I in pregnancy

15 2:Drugs Against Erythrocytic Form “ Blood schizonticides”  Clinical cure or suppression of signs and symptoms 1.Chloroquine: MOA: binds to heme, increased pH, result in oxidative damage to the membranes, leading to lysis of both the parasite and the red blood cell. DOC in the treatment of erythrocytic P. falciparum malaria Also has gametocidal effect  prevent transmission. Very well absorbed orally. 4 days of therapy to cure the disease. Mainly metabolized by the liver. The rest is eliminated unchanged in urine

16 Chloroquine(cont.) Start with 1.0 gm, after 6h give ½ gm then ½ gm for 2 days. Side effects: Blurring of vision, Yellow discoloration of skin and nails Alopecia. BM depression. Other uses: – Amebic hepatitis – Giardiasis. – rheumatoid arthritis.

17 2:Drugs Against Erythrocytic Form 2: Quinine: Blood schizonticidal and gametocidal. Taken orally It is reserved for severe infection and for malarial strains that are resistant to other agents such as chloroquine.  Stimulate uterine contraction C/I in pregnancy  abortion  Given if a positive Coombs test for hemolytic anemia ADRs: Cinchonism: a syndrome causing nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, and vertigo Slight deafness, Haemolysis

18 2:Drugs Against Erythrocytic Form 3: Mefloquine Similar to chloroquine. Less toxic. Effective in most cases of chlorquine resistant malaria. ECG abnormalities and cardiac arrest are possible if mefloquine is taken concurrently with quinine or quinidine. 4: Artemisnin Useful in Treatment of severe, multidrug resistant malaria. IV, orally and rectally High doses  neurotoxicity & prolonged QT

19 3. Blood schizonticide and sporontocide Pyrimethamine “Antifolate” inhibits plasmodial dihydrofolate reductase (DFR) They have tissue and blood schizonticidal effect  clinical and radical cure. ADRs: megaloplastic anemia. Combination: Pyrimethamine + sulphadoxine= Fansidar® for : P. malariae and Toxoplasma gondii.

20 Other Protozoa  Trichomoniasis and Giardiasis  Metronidazole &Tinadizole  Toxoplasmosis  Pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine (Fansidar®)  Co-trimoxazole  Azithromycin  Leishmaniasis  Na- stebogluconate.

21 Antihelmintic Drugs(AHDs)  Drugs that kill or remove intestinal parasites  Vermicide – to kill.  Vermifuge – affect the worm in such away, they can be expelled by peristalsis or by purgatives (laxatives).  Purgation may be needed as MgSO4 or NaSO4, C/I intestinal obstruction and pregnancy.  AHDs are C/I in pregnancy  teratogenicity

22 Helminths (Worms) Three major groups:  Nematods :Round worm -Ascaris. Hook worm Pin worm Whip worm Thread worm  Trematodes: (Flat worm): Schistosoma.mansoni (Schistosomiasis)  Cestodes (Tape worms): Taenia Saginata (Taeniasis), Taenia solium (cysticercosis)

23 Antihelemintic Drugs

24 For Nematodes 1. Mebendazole MOA: acts by binding to and interfering with the assembly of the parasites’ microtubules and also by decreasing glucose uptake C/I in pregnancy 2. Pyrantel pamoate. MOA: It is depolarizing NM blocker, the paralyzed worm is then expelled from the host’s intestinal tract. along with mebendazole, is effective in the treatment of infections caused by roundworms, pinworms, and hookworms

25 Antihelemintic Drugs(cont.) For Trematodes Praziquantel MOA: Increase Ca+ 2 permeability  contracture and paralysis. DOC in all forms of schistosomiasis and other trematode infections SE: drowsiness, dizziness, malaise, and anorexia as GIT upsets C/I: pregnancy and nursing mother

26 Antihelemintic Drugs(cont.) For Cestodes  Niclosamide MOA: inhibition of the parasite’s mitochondrial phosphorylation of ADP to form of ATP. A laxative is administered prior to oral administration of niclosamide, to purge the bowel of all dead segments and so preclude digestion and liberation of the ova, which may lead to cysticercosis.

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