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TLCD PRACTICE. FIND THIS QUOTE IN THE TEXT “Ironically, putting principles first is the key to doing better in all other centers” (Covey 26).

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Presentation on theme: "TLCD PRACTICE. FIND THIS QUOTE IN THE TEXT “Ironically, putting principles first is the key to doing better in all other centers” (Covey 26)."— Presentation transcript:


2 FIND THIS QUOTE IN THE TEXT “Ironically, putting principles first is the key to doing better in all other centers” (Covey 26).

3 LET’S ADD A TRANSITION For example, “Ironically, putting principles first is the key to doing better in all other centers” (Covey 26). Refer to your handout for a variety of transition words and phrases.

4 LET’S ADD A LEAD IN For example, Covey says we should be principle centered and “ironically, putting principles first is the key to doing better in all other centers” (Covey 26). Remember, a lead in should give context for the quote and will lead directly into the quote. Therefore, a well written TLCD is one smooth sentence.

5 NOW YOU TRY! As a group, write a TLCD for the following quote. Everyone needs to write it in their notebook. “Just living some of the habits some of the time can help you experience changes in your life you never thought possible” (Covey 9).

6 NOW YOU TRY! On your own, write a TLCD for the following quote. Write it in your notebook. “We too often judge people without having all the facts” (Covey 16).

7 NOW YOU TRY! On your own, write a TLCD for the following quote. Write it on your index card. “If you’re feeling out of control in life, focus on the single thing you can control—yourself” (Covey 35).

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