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Example Report Success Criteria for Unit 3 Summative.

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1 Example Report Success Criteria for Unit 3 Summative

2 Background information Here you should have some relevant information gathered about your topic from (at least three pieces of info with references) Stats Canada – Canadian Human Right Commission - http://www.chrc- Health Canada - Canadian Mental Health Association -

3 Research Question What is the participation rate relevant to cost? It might be the case that as the activity cost goes up less people will play it. Our costs are lower than other schools because of the amazing job that our parents council does to raise funds for us. Students fundraise as well.

4 Survey

5 Results We used our survey to gather data from various p.4 classes throughout QECVI. The following are graphical representations of some of the data.

6 Activities that they participate in Number of students

7 Answer to the Question

8 Number of students Responses sorted by gender

9 Number of students Responses sorted by level (junior/senior)

10 Number of students Responses sorted by number of activities participated in

11 Observations 63% of respondents said that the cost was not too high. Within the female category the consensus was almost 50/50 for yes and no to the question “are extracurricular costs too high?”. Within the male category 81% thought that the cost was not too high. 60% of juniors thought extracurricular costs are not too high. 65% of seniors thought extracurricular costs are not too high. When looking at the number of respondents in relation to number of activities participated in the majority said no to extracurricular cost being too high, even if they participated in more activities.

12 Evaluations In three different relations (male/female, senior/junior, number of activities) there was no real difference in the majority answer to the question of extracurricular activities being too expensive.

13 Conclusions The trend found by this study is cost does not determine participation rate. Therefore the cost of extracurricular activities does not affect participation rate for the majority of participants.

14 Recommendations for future study We neglected to ask if they participated even though they thought the cost was too high. This would need to be considered to improve the understanding of the study results. We could have asked the people who said yes to extracurricular activities why. We could have also asked some questions about socio-economic status of the families. We did not do this because of the sensitive nature of that topic. Some sports/activities may be cheaper than others so that could impact the respondents answer as well. We did not ask about that. We should have listed the cost next to each sport/activity. And then asked a question “Are you more likely to participate in activities that have a lower cost?” And then a follow up “Why or Why not”

15 A lot of assumptions have been made in our evaluation of our results. We have assumed that the cost was too high, as a class. We discussed the fact that there is a lot of fundraising that goes on here at QECVI to lower the cost so participants don’t actually pay the true cost of the sport

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