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Intercultural Communication

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1 Intercultural Communication
Chapter 3 Intercultural Communication Competence

2 The United States is Intercultural
Metaphors that describe the United States: Melting Pot Tributaries Tapestry Garden Salad

3 Metaphors of US Diversity
Melting Pot Implies a fusing of cultural elements Cultural elements lose their distinction Cultures lose their individual identity

4 Metaphors of US Diversity
Tributary Identities are maintained in the short-term Assumes all will blend into one Tributaries are less important than the mainstream

5 Metaphors of US Diversity
Tapestry Each thread can be different Weaving patterns vary by location But, tapestries are static while cultures are not

6 Metaphors of US Diversity
Garden Salad Each culture is distinct The cultures are mixed and contribute to make a unique whole But, implies a lack of stability Cultures don’t always mix easily

7 What to Call us? American? North American?
United Statians? United Staters? U. S. Americans?

8 Negative Terms to Describe us
Dominant culture Majority culture/minority culture White/caucasian

9 Terms for Cultural Groups
African-American Hispanic, Chicano, Mexican-American, Latino Native-American, Asian-American, Pacific Islander

10 African-American Recognizes African cultural influences
Acknowledges differences in African-American and European-American culture

11 Hispanic, Chicano, Mexican-American, Latino

12 Native-American, Asian-American, Pacific Islander

13 Competence and Intercultural Communication
Intercultural communication competence Components of intercultural competence

14 Intercultural Communication Competence
Competent communication is an interaction that is perceived as effective in fulfilling certain rewarding objectives in a way that is also appropriate to the context in which the interaction occurs.

15 Intercultural Communication Competence
Competence must be: Perceived Appropriate Effective

16 Components of Intercultural Competence
Context Appropriate and effective behaviors Knowledge, motivations, and actions

17 Context Not an individual attribute Based on cultural expectations
Setting helps define acceptable behavior Acceptable behavior in one culture may not be in others

18 Appropriate Behaviors
Behaviors regarded as: proper and suitable given- the expectations generated in a given culture, the constraints of the specific situations, and the nature of the relationship between interactants.

19 Effective Behaviors Behaviors that lead to the achievement of desired outcomes

20 Sufficient Knowledge Culture-generated information
Culture-specific information Knowledge of your own culture

21 Suitable Motivations Feelings and intentions
Feelings refer to emotional or affective states Feelings are not thoughts Feelings are reactions to thoughts and experiences Feelings involve sensitivity and attitudes Intentions are what guides our choices Goals, plans, objectives, desires, used to focus Can be affected by stereotypes

22 Skilled Actions The actual performance of appropriate and effective behaviors Must be able to do what is needed Can have right info, feelings, and intentions but lack behavioral skills

23 BASIC Behavioral Assessment Scale for Intercultural Competence

24 8 BASIC Behaviors Displays of Respect Orientation to Knowledge Empathy
Interaction Management Task Role Behavior Relational Role Behavior Tolerance for Ambiguity Interaction Posture

25 Displays of Respect What is respectful in one culture may be different in others Verbal and nonverbal components

26 Orientation to Knowledge
When our language and actions show a focus on individuality rather than universal group traits Must move beyond the perspective of our own personal cultural framework

27 Empathy Verbal and nonverbal behaviors that are complimentary to the thoughts, feelings and experiences of others Behaving as if we understand the world as someone else does

28 Interaction Management
How to talk to others appropriately and effectively Initiation, turn taking, etc.

29 Task Role Behavior Group problem solving skills
Understanding that other cultures accomplish tasks differently Entwined with cultural expectations Different cultures can call the same thing a social activity or a task

30 Relational Role Behavior
Efforts to build and maintain personal relationships that support others and solidify feelings of participation

31 Tolerance for Ambiguity
If we do not tolerate ambiguity well we can respond with hostility and anger Competent communication requires a higher tolerance level

32 Interaction Posture Responding in a nonjudgmental way
Avoid behaviors that state or imply right/wrong Use description rather than interpretation or evaluation

33 Description, Interpretation, and evaluation (D-I-E)
Tool used to control the meaning attributed to verbal and nonverbal symbols that others use Most people are not aware when they interpret or evaluate the symbols of others

34 Description Identify the sensory information that will form the basis for interpretation Descriptive statement allow us to consider alternative interpretations

35 Interpretation Our interpretations are linked to our evaluation of our perceptions Descriptions can have multiple interpretations Don’t choose your first interpretation Test alternative interpretations

36 Evaluation Emotional or affective judgment
We make judgments without being aware Be cognizant of descriptors and interpretations to avoid inaccurate conclusions

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