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Chapter 2Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 1 of 7 Purpose Audience Explanation Patterns and Outlines Details and Examples Planning for Effective.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 1 of 7 Purpose Audience Explanation Patterns and Outlines Details and Examples Planning for Effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 1 of 7 Purpose Audience Explanation Patterns and Outlines Details and Examples Planning for Effective Writing:

2 Chapter 2Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 2 of 7 The Classic Questions Why do I / others even care about ? If I had to divide into parts or stages, what would they be? What forces / circumstances led to ? What kind of person is interested in ? If did not exist, how would things be different? What aspect of do I like best? Least? What larger movement, field, or situation provides the background for ? What are the principle benefits of ? If fails or is ignored, what barriers were to blame? What about this topic could be explained to a 10-year-old child?

3 Chapter 2Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 3 of 7 Idea Circle

4 Chapter 2Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 4 of 7 Time Space Cause Emotion Logic Reputation Opinion Preference Significance Perspective Doubt Contrast Comparison Common patterns for developing ideas:

5 Chapter 2Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 5 of 7 Roles of details and examples: Provide information Verify an assertion Illustrate an abstraction

6 Chapter 2Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 6 of 7 Good details and examples are... Specific Clear Brief Focused

7 Chapter 2Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 7 of 7 Steps in the Revision Process Check for: Logical connections Appropriate transitions Unnecessary words Diction Grammar and mechanics Style

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