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LC-SE project 2003-2004 Damian Sutton Head of Modern Foreign Languages. Bishop Rawstorne CE Language College, Croston,Lancashire.

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Presentation on theme: "LC-SE project 2003-2004 Damian Sutton Head of Modern Foreign Languages. Bishop Rawstorne CE Language College, Croston,Lancashire."— Presentation transcript:

1 LC-SE project 2003-2004 Damian Sutton Head of Modern Foreign Languages. Bishop Rawstorne CE Language College, Croston,Lancashire.

2 LC-SE project 2003-2004 Bishop Rawstorne CE Language College, Croston & Lycée Guy Moquet, Châteaubriant

3 The project First steps Providing a focus Pupil portfolio Stimulating creative interest Exploiting all eventualities

4 The final objective Pupils meet in Croston Treasure hunt Sports events

5 Most popular features of the project for pupils at Bishop Rawstorne Excitement of receiving correspondence Sharing creative ideas Getting to know French partners Breaking down cultural barriers

6 Most worthwhile experiences for pupils at Bishop Rawstorne Reading and writing of letters Meeting French partners Taking initiative in a foreign language Sharing views on topical issues

7 Areas that we would like to develop at Bishop Rawstorne School based e-mail Choice of topic focus Videoconferencing Project management Cross curricular involvement

8 Why our pupils would recommend this project Regular contact with a native speaker On-line peer support Development of linguistic skills Cultural exchange Enjoyment Maintaining contact beyond the project

9 This years progress 2003-2004 Initial introductions Mon job Lexpérience de travail Preparation of information using stimulus to tie in with GCSE coursework

10 This years progress 2003-2004 Mon job Réponds aux questions suivantes en fran çais: As-tu un job? Quand travailles tu? Cest bien payé? Aimes-tu ton job? Est-ce que tu reçois largent de poche? Quest-ce que tu fais avec ton argent? Largent de poche – une bonne idée ou une perte de temps?

11 This years progress 2003-2004 La nourriture Quest-ce que tu aimes et naimes pas manger et boire? Que penses-tu du fastfood? Quelle sorte de nourriture est-ce que tu aimes et naimes pas? Cest comment la cuisine française?

12 For updates on our progress or to find out more about our project for this year… Email: DSutton@bishoprawstorne.lancsngfl

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