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Academic Integrity, Student Misconduct, Deferred Exams and Special Consideration, Student Appeals Procedures, Equity and Access Plans and ANU Student Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Integrity, Student Misconduct, Deferred Exams and Special Consideration, Student Appeals Procedures, Equity and Access Plans and ANU Student Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Integrity, Student Misconduct, Deferred Exams and Special Consideration, Student Appeals Procedures, Equity and Access Plans and ANU Student Support Services Keturah Whitford, Director of Students and Learning

2 2 Academic Integrity Flow chart available here /cbe-flowchart-course-convenor.pdf /cbe-flowchart-course-convenor.pdf Academic Misconduct Rules available here 02025 02025

3 Academic integrity Marker identifies potential breach of rules Academic misconduct includes cheating, plagiarism, collusion, recycling, exam misconduct and engaging in conduct with a view to obtaining unfair advantage. Refer rules 5 – 8. Breach referred to course convenor 3

4 Academic integrity At that point the course convenor may decide Not to take the process further because (refer rule 17) –No grounds for deciding there student has engaged in alleged misconduct or –Breach is very minor - can only determine minor breach if Introductory course taken in student’s first year or first semester for graduate courses and The course outline provides that there may be a 10% reduction of total marks for minor breaches and the breach is a very minor mistake in referencing and An opportunity is provided in the course to learn appropriate academic integrity techniques 4

5 Academic integrity Or the course convenor needs to conduct an initial review (most usual course) –Write to the student with substance of allegation – refer rule 18 –Invite them to a meeting –Template letters available for this. –Purpose of the meeting is to determine if there is substance to the allegation and if there is to determine if it is poor academic practice or academic misconduct 5

6 Academic integrity Decision (see rule20) –No substance to allegation – advise student and Registrar –Academic misconduct – refer to Registrar (who will then generally refer to CBE Director of Students and Learning) –Poor academic practice – advise Registrar Defn see rule 9 Excusable due to mitigating circumstances (personal, emotional, health) Excusable due to unintended, inadvertent, careless or uninformed behaviour Not poor academic practice if severe or repeated. 6

7 Academic integrity Penalties for poor academic practice See rule 21 Resubmission of assessment Counsel the student Request student undertaking Reprimand student Change student’s marks for that assessment 7

8 Student Misconduct (other than academic misconduct) See Discipline Rules What is misconduct? See rule 3 for full definition Includes: –Disrupting a University activity –Damaging property –Falsifying documents for admission to university –Harassment, victimisation, discrimination –Behaving in intimidating manner –Falsifying medical certificate of academic transcript –Causing danger to health or safety of someone else 8

9 Student Misconduct What do you do about misconduct? –A report of misconduct should be made to the VC or a prescribed authority (CBE Dean or delegate, currently Director of Students and Learning) –The Dean may take no action or determine that there are reasonable grounds for believing that the student has engaged in misconduct and would then generally hold an inquiry – see rule 5. Range of potential penalties in rule 10 –Student may appeal to the appeals Committee see rule 20. 9

10 Deferred Exams and Special consideration Applications for deferred (previously called special exams are assessed centrally for final examinations and by the College for non-final examinations. See from clause 36 Course convenors receive notification about whether a student has been approved to sit a deferred exam Refer to Procedure: student assessment 004604 004604 10

11 Deferred Exams and Special consideration Applications for special consideration are received and noted centrally but forwarded to course convenors for consideration. Course convenors determine whether special consideration is to be applied taking into account: –A student’s overall performance and attendance –The severity of the event or condition and its impact on performance –Academic standing status –History of previous applications for special consideration 11

12 Deferred Exams and Special consideration  The outcome of the course convenor’s consideration may be that:  No consideration granted  Adjustment to individual assessment item result  Adjustment to course result  Additional supplementary assessment  Referral to support services  The course convenor needs to notify the applicant by email advising whether their special consideration application is accepted. – see clause 58 12

13 Student appeals Refer to Assessment Rules After the final result is published the student can appeal the result by –Consultation with course convenor –Firstly consulting with the course convenor who must review the result and decide whether or not to amend the result and must notify the student of the decision made on the review (see Rule 10) – student has 20 days after publication of result to consult course convenor – important that course convenor or delegate is available in this time frame. 13

14 Student appeals Appeal to Director of Students and Learning –If, after discussing the final result with the Course Convenor and being notified of the Course Convenor’s decision on the review, the student considers that the result (as amended, if at all, by the Course Convenor) is inappropriate or incorrect because the established criteria of assessment or some aspect of the Assessment Rules or relevant policy or procedure has not been followed, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean (delegated in CBE to Director of Students and Learning) against that result. 14

15 Student appeals Director of Students and Learning considers the appeal and may conduct inquiries Director of Students and learning may –confirm the result appealed against; or –approve marks and the grade of a final result for the student (which may be different from the marks and the grade of result recommended by the Chair of Examiners). Decision to be notified to student within 20 working days of appeal. 15

16 Student appeals Appeal to College Dean (delegated to Associate Dean Education in CBE) –This further appeal is allowed on procedural grounds only –Must be made within 20 working days of notification of decision of Director of Students and Learning 16

17 Equity and Access Plans The University’s Access and Inclusion office assist student’s with a disability Based on medical evidence an Equity and Access plan is produced for eligible students. If you have a student who has an EAP approved you will be advised by email and the plan sent to you. Any adjustments which might be required for that student are noted on that plan. Any adjustments which might be required for final examinations will be handled by Access and Inclusion and Examinations. 17

18 ANU Student Support Services It may be appropriate to refer to students to support services these include: –Dean of Students –Access and Inclusion –Counselling Centre –Academic Skills and Learning Centre 18

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