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Unit 4 Great people Integrated skills & Study skills.

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1 Unit 4 Great people Integrated skills & Study skills

2 Who is your favourite famous people? Why do you think so?

3 Who is she? Do you know about her?

4 Marie Curie Marie Curie was a great scientist. She was born Marja Sklodowska in Warsaw, Poland,in 1867. Both of her parents were teachers. When Marie was only 10 years old, her mother died. Marie was a very good student. She loved science, math, and languages. She and her sister Bronya wanted to go to college. But in those days, only men could go to college in Poland. The girls had to go to France to study. There was not enough money for both sisters to go. So Marie worked as a teacher in Poland. She sent money to Bronya to pay for medical school in Paris. After Bronya became a doctor, she helped Marie.

5 When she was 24, Marie became a science student at Sorbonne, a university in Paris. Even with her sister’s help, she did not have much money. She lived in a small room near the college. It had no lights, no water, and no heat. Sometimes Marie only had bread and tea to eat.

6 Marie studied hard and graduated in 1894.A year later, she married Pierre Curie. He was also a scientist. They worked together for many years. Their most important discovery was radium. Today, doctors use the rays from radium to treat cancer. The Curies won a Nobel Prize for their discovery. This is the highest award for a scientist. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive this award.

7 When Marie Curie was 39, Pierre died in a road accident. But she continued their work. Curie became the first woman professor in France in 1911, she won a second Nobel Prize. But years of working with radium ruined her health. She died of cancer in 1934. Her daughter Irene continued Curie’s work. She also received a Nobel Prize. Sadly, Irene also got cancer and died young. Both women gave their lives for their work.

8 aths professor Frenchmen’s Englishmen literature 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成句子。 1. “M_____ ”is short for Mathematics. 2.Mary’s grandfather is a _________( 教授 )of Physics. 3.--- Whose cars are these? ---They’re those______________( 法国人的 ). 3.Many___________( 英国人 )came to visit our school yesterday. 4.He is teaching himself about the English and American _________( 文学 ).

9 选择填空 1.Great changes took place in his hometown in _______. A. 1980’s B. 1980s’ C. 1980 years D. 1980s 【解析】选 D 。二十世纪八十年代,用 1980s ,故选 D 。 2.Neil Armstrong was the first man ________ on the moon. A. to walk B. walk C. walked D. walks 【解析】选 A 。动词不定式做定语,意为:第一位在月球 上行走的人,故选 A 。

10 3.Mother Teresa devoted her life _______ caring _____ the poor. A. for, to B. for, for C. to, for D. to, to 【解析】选 C 。 devote…to… ,把 …… 献给 …… ; care for , 照料 …… ,故选 C 。 4. Many second-hand flats ________ a lot of money. A. sells for B. sell C. are sold D. were sold for 【解析】选 D 。由句意:很多二手套房卖了很多钱,被动 结构,故选 C 。

11 5. Bernard Show was a great English writer, who died ______. A. at his age of 94 B. at age of 94 C. in the age of 94. D. at the age of 94 【解析】选 D 。 at the age of… 在 …… 岁时, 故选 D 。 6. He ______ to cut short the flight short, but he didn’t do so. A. was ordered B. ordered C. orders D. was ordering 【解析】选 A 。由句意知,被动结构,故选 A 。

12 nown cientists hat aking 根据短文内容和首字母提示,完成单词。 It is well-k______ ( 1 ) that Albert Einstein was one of the greatest s_______ ( 2 ) of all time and he was also a really great person. Here are some interesting things about him. When Einstein started to work in America, someone asked him w____ ( 3 ) he needed. He said he needed a desk, some paper and a pencil. He also asked for a big waste-paper basket to hold all of his mistakes. This shows that he knew even the cleverest man in the world can only learn by m______ ( 4 ) mistakes.

13 egarded aste uickly hy Einstein r_________ ( 5 ) time as very important. He never wore socks and he thought putting on socks was a w_______ ( 6 ) of time as people already wore shoes. He also thought it was a waste of time remembering things that could q_______ ( 7 ) be found in a book. That’s w_____ ( 8 ) he never remembered his own phone number, which was in the phone book. He knew what was worth remembering. It is true that if we are going to do great things in our lives, we cannot waste our time.

14 ame ifferent Einstein liked to joke too. Once in an exam a student asked him why all the questions were the s______ ( 9 ) as last year’s. Einstein replied the questions were the same but the answers were d________ ( 10 ) !


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