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--An attempt to fix the negative effects of industrialization.

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2 --An attempt to fix the negative effects of industrialization

3  Child Labor  Low wages, long hours  Unsafe working conditions

4 Child Labor

5  Workers formed labor unions such as the American Federation of Labor (AFL) to protect the rights of working people.  Workers went on strike against unfair working conditions and salaries. Example-Homestead Strike

6 Homestead Strike Workers went on strike against Carnegie Steel in Homestead, Pennsylvania to protest cuts in their wages. Carnegie used his money and influence to bring in the military, which ended the strike. Many people lost their jobs because government favored Big Business over the workers.

7  Improved safety conditions  Reduced work hours  Placed restrictions on child labor

8  A movement set up to help women gain the right to vote and increase educational opportunities for women

9 Women gained the right to vote with the passage of the 19 th amendment Women’s suffrage

10 Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony worked for women’s suffrage.

11 o The movement was composed of groups opposed to the making and consuming of alcohol oThey supported the 18 th Amendment, which prohibited the manufacture, sale and transport of alcoholic beverages.

12 Carry Nation was a temperance crusader who destroyed saloons with an ax in support of her cause.

13 Sources: Child Labor— Homestead Strike— Women Suffrage— Susan B. Anthony— arrested.jpg Carry Nation—

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