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Williamwood High School Supporting pupils during transition and beyond.

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Presentation on theme: "Williamwood High School Supporting pupils during transition and beyond."— Presentation transcript:

1 Williamwood High School Supporting pupils during transition and beyond.

2 Transition process Pupil support: November/December 2014 Year head visits: March/April 2015 Transition groups: May/June 2015 Induction days: June 2015 Official start: August 2015

3 Pupil Support visits: Nov/Dec ‘14 Examination of learning file. Discussion with primary additional support needs coordinator. Observe classes. Meet with class teachers.

4 Year head visit: Mar/April ‘15 Visit 1 - routine of school: school uniform, timetable, school day. Visit 2 - differences between primary and secondary: Q and A with S6 pupils.

5 Transition group: May/June ‘15 Lesson 1: Equipment needed for high school, organisation of school bag, differences between primary and secondary, Q and A. Lesson 2: Lunchtime procedures, lockers, timetable, navigating the building, Q and A.

6 Induction days: June 17 th and 18th Talk from year head and timetable issued. Follow a full timetable for two days. Meet with pupil support teacher.

7 August 2015 onwards: How you can support your child’s learning: Buy a sensible schoolbag.schoolbag Use coloured pockets for different subjects.coloured pockets Check planner/home school diary daily. If you have any concerns about the amount of homework/class work, contact the school. Help with packing the schoolbag every evening. Find a quiet location to do homework. Help establish a routine as quickly as possible.

8 August 2015 onwards. How we will support your child’s learning: Share learning profiles with staff.learning profiles Provide appropriate support for assessments. Provide targeted support for pupils (Cowriter). Give additional training to staff on supporting pupils with dyslexia.

9 S1 dates of note: Information evening – 15 th /16 th June Tracking report – October 2015 Full report – April 2016 Parents night – May 2016

10 Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions?

11 An ideal school bag PE kit School books Planner/pencil case Locker key/ Lunch card

12 Coloured pockets

13 Example learning profile: **** has a formal diagnosis of dyslexia which lies at the mild to moderate end of the spectrum. In order to support her spelling **** should be given the opportunity to use ICT, particularly for extended pieces of writing. **** is comfortable using co-writer for extended pieces of writing. **** should also be encouraged to self check her written work upon completion. She has been diagnosed with a condition called Binocular vision, a condition which affects the ability to focus clearly on an object using both eyes, for which she has received treatment. **** also has a diagnosis of Irlen syndrome and should wear her coloured lenses when reading in class. Strategies:  Should be given the opportunity to use ICT for extended writing.  Written work should be marked for content only.  Should be given printed notes – extensive copying from the board may be challenging.  Reading aloud in class should be optional for ****.  Should be reminded to wear her coloured lenses when reading in class.

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