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After being persuaded to kill Duncan… Macbeth has a brief discussion with Fleance, Banquo’s son There is then the first suggestion that he is not strong.

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Presentation on theme: "After being persuaded to kill Duncan… Macbeth has a brief discussion with Fleance, Banquo’s son There is then the first suggestion that he is not strong."— Presentation transcript:

1 After being persuaded to kill Duncan… Macbeth has a brief discussion with Fleance, Banquo’s son There is then the first suggestion that he is not strong enough for what he’s doing – he imagines a dagger, floating in the air, pointing to Duncan’s bedroom…imagines a dagger

2 Duncan is killed Though it is not a scene in the play. The focus instead is on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and how they handle the stress of killing the king in their own castle… how they handle the stress of killing the king in their own castle… You have a copy of this scene.

3 Informal S&L Assessment Please look at the A3 sheet with the heads on it PLAN a two part exchange between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth (in role ie say “I” not “he or she”) Use the play and the actors in the following clips to help.followingclips

4 Here, Macbeth states how he feels when he has killed Duncan. He can make reference to previous scenes, like for instance not wanting to originally, seeing the dagger etc. Do not go on to voices in the head yet!

5 Here, Lady Macbeth RESPONDS to Macbeth’s feelings and gives her view of him AND states her own feelings…

6 Here, Macbeth moves on to how he is worried for what the future holds. Here, he is particularly worried about the voices in his head…

7 Here, Lady Macbeth RESPONDS to Macbeth’s worries about the future and the voices in his head. She can give her own view of the future and how they should act

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