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Digital Cinematography

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Cinematography"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Cinematography
CSE 681

2 The Five C’s of Cinematography
By Joseph Mascelli Camera Angle Continuity Cutting Close-Ups Composition distilled for CS non-character action CSE 681

3 Breakdown Scene – place of action Shot – continuous camera recording
Sequence – logical chunk of continuous action May involve single/multiple shots May involve single/multiple scenes CSE 681

4 Purpose of cinematography
Have the viewer: Understand the context – the big picture Follow the immediate action Focus attention on something within view CSE 681

5 Camera shot Angle: up, down, side, oblique
Distance: long range, establishing shot; middle; close-up Movement: still, pan, zoom, tracking: follow, head-on CSE 681

6 angle CSE 681

7 distance CSE 681

8 Composition of shot Framing the action Controlling the background
Adjusting focal length Depth of field – focus attention Rule of thirds lines: horizontal, vertical, perspective Focus attention: contrast, color CSE 681

9 Rule of thirds CSE 681

10 Sequence of shots Camera movement Transition: fade, wipe, dissolve
Shot progression: manipulate the viewer’s position Cut during still or constant action Temporal continuity: you can repeat, overlap Spatial continuity: keep view grounded in scene Line of action: rule of 180 CSE 681

11 Camera movement CSE 681

12 Rule of 180 CSE 681

13 Rule of 180 CSE 681

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