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Technology Integration Workshop Jaleea Yelverton.

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1 Technology Integration Workshop Jaleea Yelverton

2 Describe the Phase 1 Mr. Wolfe could integrate spreadsheets and a PowerPoint in this this lesson. The PowerPoint could aid him when explaining the rules of kickball. Students at the middle school age know their learning style therefore visual aids will be great for instructions. Mr. Wolfe should include a video also that illustrates the way kickball is to be played. The spreadsheet will be integrated to keep track of each team and its record. At the end of the kickball tournament the class could make a pie chart with the information given in the spreadsheet.

3 Describe Phase 2 The objectives of this lesson are to get the students socially and physically active and for students to become better “sports”. In order to assess the students’ progress there will be no prize for the winners. Instead each person on each team must give a compliment to the other team while playing. If there are any negative comments points will be deducted from that team. The spreadsheet is where Mr. Wolfe will write each player on each team’s name and their score according to compliments. This tournament could last for at least a week depending on the weather. The instruction and demonstration will take place in the classroom. Further demonstration and play will take place in the open field outside of the gymnasium. Each team will wear a specific color to illustrate the team.

4 Describe Phase 3 The success of this lesson will be assessed through data. The results of the tournament were recorded via spreadsheet. The results will be put into a chart whether it’s a bar graph or pie chart. The team with the lowest score of kickball will have to redeem themselves the next week through whichever sports are played. Each team will need a score of 15 by the end of each week. If that goal is not reached, the team will have one week to redeem their points. If not that team will receive an Un- Sportsman like conduct score.

5 Descriptors Grade Level: 6 th grade Content and Topic Area: Physical Education Technologies Used: Spreadsheet and Presentation

6 Tech -Pack ComponentsWhat is knownWhat must be learned TechnologySpreadsheet and Presentation. This is how Mr. Wolfe will keep track of the compliment scores. Presentation is how he will keep up demonstrate how to play. The students must learn that sportmanship is all about confidence and having fun. PedagogyMr. Wolfe demonstrates the importance of sportsmanship. He should illustrate how sportsmanship is used in all aspects in life. Mr. Wolfe must learn the learning styles of each of his students in order to make sure they are successful ContentMr. Wolfe will first introduce sportsmanship through physical activity. He will then incorporate sportmanship in every day activities and settings. The students and Mr. Wolfe need to learn that sportsmanship will be hard especially with students with disabilities such as autism.

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